Active 1 months, 3 weeks ago-
Scott Ensign started the topic Sampling frequency for Monitor My Watershed in the forum Monitor My Watershed 4 years, 1 months ago
A participant in our recent CUAHSI-sponsored EnviroDIY Workshop is wondering if it is possible to report data to Monitor My Watershed at 1 second intervals. Has anyone tried this?
Scott Ensign posted a new activity comment 4 years, 3 months ago
The Stroud Center will be offering another virtual workshop November 10, 11, and 12. The workshop will be organized and sponsored by the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc (CUAHSI). Keep an eye on this page for the announcement sometime soon:…[Read more]
Scott Ensign wrote a new post 4 years, 3 months ago
It was a good day for brown trout in the Manistee River. The hot July weather in northern Michigan had pushed the water temperature up into the low 70s. That pushed oxygen levels down, so the trout needed to stay […]
Scott Ensign replied to the topic PlatormIO: ..Python 2.7 interpreter error in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years, 8 months ago
Hi Jim: I haven’t been following this thread but I’m excited that you are pushing through this to get your data streaming to MonitorMyWatershed! I’m glad Sara has been providing help. It occurred to me that you might reach out to Adam Gold (@adamgold) because he was using both Atlas Sci hardware and PlatformIO. He published a blog detailing his…[Read more]
Scott Ensign posted a new activity comment 4 years, 11 months ago
Rory G, our Amazon stock is sold out but we should have the storefront restocked soon. Shannon Hicks recently posted this:
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic MayFly Kit/Bee Adapter availability December 2019 in the forum Mayfly Data Logger
14 days agoAll the starter kits I sent to Amazon at the beginning of the month sold out within a few days…[Read more]
Scott Ensign wrote a new post 5 years, 1 months ago
Need some guidance on how to install and maintain an EnviroDIY Monitoring Station? We’ve created new videos that will take you through the 10 steps of collecting quality water monitoring data. The following […]
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Mobile Sensor Platform? in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 5 years, 1 months ago
Hi Oscamo. Indeed, I was formerly at Planktos Instruments but now at the Stroud Center. In responding to Sara’s comment about trajectory data being hard to visualize, check out this video showing dissolved oxygen data along 22 miles of the Neuse River in North Carolina.
We’ve been collecting trajectory data with drifter technology here at the…[Read more]
Scott Ensign wrote a new post 5 years, 6 months ago
Stroud Water Research Center, in conjunction with the OPEnS Lab at Oregon State University, is excited to host a DIY workshop this September.
Low-cost, do-it-yourself electronic microcontrollers, […] -
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Continuous Phosphorous Monitoring in the forum Environmental Sensors 5 years, 7 months ago
Sensors, no. Autonomous orthophosphate wet chemistry, yes. Check out Green Eyes Science’s NuLab (http://gescience.com/nulab/) and Seabird’s hydrocycle (https://www.seabird.com/hydrocycle-po/product?id=54721314201). There are others out there, but these come to mind first.
Scott Ensign posted an update 5 years, 7 months ago
I’m connecting an ESP8266 V1.0 with a Mayfly. Can anyone suggest a simple sketch that scans for available wifi networks (and displaying them by printing to the terminal) and displays confirmation of the connection with my wifi by printing something to the terminal? Ultimately, I’d like to send sensor data to Monitor My Watershed, but the first…[Read more]
Well, the *easiest* way would be to take the ESP bee off the mayfly and connect it to a UartSBee and then talk to the bee directly using AT commands and a serial port.
If you’d rather keep it attached to the Mayfly, you can use the basic example for the StreamDebugger (https://github.com/vshymanskyy/StreamDebugger) library to communicate with the…[Read more]
Um.. and it’s also possible that the esp I gave you had a botched firmware upgrade. If you’re not getting connected, come and demand a better one from me.
Scott Ensign posted a new activity comment 5 years, 8 months ago
Thank you for the very well-constructed Learn EnviroDIY Programming Tutorial!! I’ve been successfully working through this tutorial in an effort to learn how to use the modular sensors library. This is a tremendous resource for all of us in the EnviroDIY community who are generally intimidated by github and have very little coding experience.…[Read more]
Hi Scott, I am very glad it’s been helpful to you! It’s basically the one week of work nutshell/refinement of what it took me several months of trial and error to stumble through. Notice it’s still in “beta” mode, so we are more than happy to receive feedback on what works and what doesn’t work well. Please feel free to submit your ideas as…[Read more]
Scott Ensign posted an update 5 years, 10 months ago
Scott Ensign posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Hi Neil, Good suggestion about “armoring” your cables. Others have done similar things in this region, including flexible steel electrical conduit.
Scott Ensign wrote a new post 6 years ago
A new manual is available that describes how to build, program, install, and maintain an EnviroDIY Monitoring Station. This manual is the result of years of experience our staff has gained in training over 500 […]
Wow. Thankyou Stroud Water team for detailed how-tos. Fantastic stream side setup for Mayfly, as well as good reference material for how to do water quality collection.
One comment, is that we’ve seen sensor cables being gnawed. So we’ve tended to put the cables communicating to the sensors in a flexible PVC sheath. In the West we also get deeply incised channels, so have greater cable runs to get to a radio horizon. -
Hi Neil, Good suggestion about “armoring” your cables. Others have done similar things in this region, including flexible steel electrical conduit.
Scott Ensign became a registered member 6 years, 9 months ago
WOW. Excellent post Scott.
This really shows how all the pieces work together and how the data is being used in real-time and for future monitoring.