a month ago-
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Not able to download readings in the forum Monitor My Watershed a month ago
Neil, there is a faster and more flexible way to extract data from Monitor My Watershed. Instead of using the CSV download button, try using either python or R to extract specific time periods of data for specific sensors and stations. Sara has documented these methods here: python version and R version.
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Continous HAB monitoring in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 months ago
Yes, the Stroud Center has a Campbell Scientific phycocyanin sensor deployed on a Mayfly Data Logger. @shicks might be able to share code with you.
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Fetching MMW data from one sensor? in the forum Monitor My Watershed 8 months ago
@tahicksonstthomas-edu: @srdamiano developed a way to query the Monitor My Watershed database for a specific parameter and specific time/date range. This is a huge improvement over using the Download button to retrieve your data, because you can limit the timeframe of data being retrieved and thus speed up the response. See Sara’s code here for R…[Read more]
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Email alerts rough draft. Free to use in the forum Miscellaneous 8 months ago
Hi Andrew. Thanks for sharing this code; I hope others have been able to implement this. @brianjastram recently asked if an “alarm” feature would be built into Monitor My Watershed (hopefully someday as resources allow). Until then, I suggested that your code might benefit from the work @srgdamiano did to specify parameter and time/date range…[Read more]
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Parameter Alarm Function in the forum Monitor My Watershed 8 months ago
Brian, note that @andrewglaros3 developed a similar function here. That python code might be enhanced by targeting a more precise time period with each call to Monitor My Watershed, and @srgdamiano developed python (and R) code to do just that. See her Github repo on this: https://gist.github.com/SRGDamia1
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Parameter Alarm Function in the forum Monitor My Watershed 8 months ago
Hi Brian. We’ve discussed adding this feature for a long time. I didn’t see this noted as a Github issue, so I added it here. Feel free to add suggestions to that issue.
Scott Ensign wrote a new post 8 months ago
Learn EnviroDIY With Us!
Registration for this workshop has closed. Additional opportunities will be posted the events page when scheduled. Stroud Water Research […]
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Hydros 21 and Serial Comms in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 10 months ago
@rhouck, @damiano moved this post to a new thread here. I noticed that you reposted to a different thread. Please reply to this thread.
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Follow Site Checkbox Not Working in the forum Monitor My Watershed a year ago
You should not need to take any further action besides clicking the check box. I can confirm that it is not working for me, either. I added this as a bug on Github.
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Slow Loading for MMW Pages in the forum Monitor My Watershed a year ago
The site may be slower to respond on the 5 minute, 15 minutes, and hourly intervals (although 1 minute seems extreme). Any device (with an accurate clock) posting data at these intervals hits the server at the same time, and response time of the site briefly slows at these moments. Several actions are being taken to eliminate this phenomenon in…[Read more]
Scott Ensign wrote a new post a year ago
New in Monitor My Watershed: Organization Site Ownership
Monitor My Watershed supports data capture and visualization functions for the EnviroDIY and Leaf Pack Network communities, which are part of the Wiki […]
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Changes coming January 1, 2024 for Monitor My Watershed users in the forum Monitor My Watershed a year ago
@neilh20 Thanks for your questions. Please refer to the Terms of Use for details concerning use of Monitor My Watershed. @srgdamiano commented on the likely cause of missing data from September 26. We are continuing to improve Monitor My Watershed’s response time and performance; we will share details in early 2024.
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Changes coming January 1, 2024 for Monitor My Watershed users in the forum Monitor My Watershed a year ago
@paulwilson Yes, the payment page for Monitor My Watershed subscriptions will begin accepting payments on 01 January 2024. Thank you for supporting Monitor My Watershed!
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Changes coming January 1, 2024 for Monitor My Watershed users in the forum Monitor My Watershed a year ago
@@w3asa – Thanks for sharing your thoughts on our subscription plan pricing structure. We arrived at this pricing structure after exploring all the options for most equitably distributing costs across the diverse community of users and organizations. We hope users appreciate the extra value that Monitor My Watershed provides in comparison to other…[Read more]
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Changes coming January 1, 2024 for Monitor My Watershed users in the forum Monitor My Watershed a year ago
We certainly understand how valuable it is for Monitor My Watershed users to share their data on their own websites. While there isn’t a direct way to share Monitor My Watershed webpages, there are several ways to automate the data download process for reprocessing and posting your data in a separate service. First, you can retrieve a csv file of…[Read more]
Scott Ensign replied to the topic MMW last-reported observation not updating after site update in the forum Monitor My Watershed 2 years ago
@millerlp: are you seeing current data now? We are aware of the issue but it should be resolved now. If you are still seeing issues can you report them to help@monitormywatershed.org?
Scott Ensign replied to the topic Mayfly v1.1 technical questions forum thread in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years ago
On a Mayfly V1.0 Rev A3, is power to the 2X10 analog header controlled by pin 22 or is the header constantly powered? I’m trying to utilize power from the 2X10 analog header while the grove ports are not powered (pin 22 is low) if this is possible.
Scott Ensign wrote a new post 2 years ago
Data producers willing to share their data are the foundation of the Internet of Water, but first and foremost, that data must serve the needs of the data producer.
Consider Ed McCoy’s challenge. As a fl […]
Scott Ensign commented on the post, Open Data and Open Hardware: Tools for Collaborative Solutions to Water Challenges 2 years ago
Could you share ideas on how to promote open source reviews? How can journals like HardwareX be leveraged? Can you share more about Crowd Source and how that helps verify quality assurance? This is all highly […]
Scott Ensign wrote a new post 2 years ago
Summary: Open hardware for water monitoring, combined with a national network of technical support for community science enabled by powerful web-based data sharing and management tools, is leading a revolution in […]
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