a month ago-
neilh20 started the topic OSH – a discussion in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years ago
For electronics hardware – most people are used to shopping and then buying – simple transaction – however Open-Source Hardware at the board level can be different.
@ensign published https://www.envirodiy.org/tools-for-collaborative-solutions-to-water-challenges/
So, I’m interested in a discussion of how can OSH is used – Mayfly and other.…[Read more]
neilh20 replied to the topic How to dump contents of file on SD card to serial in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years ago
So it worked for me. I took @ensign basic structure, and added it as an extension in the Class Logger, and then attached it to the two SerialCommands LR and L?
neilh20 replied to the topic How to dump contents of file on SD card to serial in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years ago
Hi I’ve been thinking/working on something slightly similar when @ensign posted above.
BTW I found the github.com/ScottEnsign/SDoutput hasn’t got the actual code, I think it probably needs a “git push” to send the code up.
Seems to me the issue with the @selbig original post #15641 above, is that the SD card is initialized in Logger, so S…[Read more]
Zach started the topic Alternate Means of Accessing Mayfly Data in the forum Monitor My Watershed 4 years ago
I’m looking to access Mayfly data from MonitorMW.org for the development of a simple web application to display the current reading of a variable. If there exists a CORS friendly access method for MMW station site data, please let me know.
Barring that option, I’ve looked through the documentation as to modifying DRWI_LTE.ino in order to publish…[Read more]
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Debug flags for modem comms in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
@ensign and others (Rachel Johnson, Matt Gisondi, David Bressler, @hicks and a few more) have put a lot of work into that manual!
Oscamo replied to the topic Mobile Sensor Platform? in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 5 years ago
Hm. Thanks @srgdamiano, thats one way of doing it. The use case I envisage is pretty simple. Lets take a single technician with a portable water quality monitor, like a YSI or something. He/She drops it into a river at Position A, records data. Then turns device off, moves to Position B, records data etc etc. Once “home” uploads the data to…[Read more]
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Mobile Sensor Platform? in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 5 years ago
@ensign – yup, it’s a nice video. But… creating a video like that automatically for every set of uploaded trajectory data is just a little bit more difficult than making a simple plot with time on the x axis.
The WinRiverII software for the moving acoustic Doppler current profilers that we use to take discharge measurements has some nice…[Read more]
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Connecting XBee3 LTE to the internet in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Hm. You have the LiPo plugged in in addition to the USB, right?
Are you sure you have service and the antenna is well connected? Don’t yank the antenna off unless you really have to; those u.Fl connectors are fragile and after 3 or 4 times of being disconnected and reconnected they stop working.
Have you ever gotten your XBee3 to connect?…[Read more]
Oscamo replied to the topic Mobile Sensor Platform? in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 5 years ago
Thanks @ensign and @srgdamiano, for your reply. Scott, I saw a write up of your floating buoy some time ago and really wanted to find out what happened to it. That was cool stuff!
My project is a little lengthy to explain but I would love your input – I’ll call next week if that is ok with you. Can you pm me a good time/number to call?
Many thanks!
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Mobile Sensor Platform? in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 5 years ago
Scott Ensign, formerly of Planktos Instruments, is now at Stroud. (He’s @ensign.)
I don’t know how “unusual” trajectory data is, but, at least in long term stream monitoring, it’s definitely far less common than fixed station monitoring. That type of data is also harder to manage, visualize, or conceptualize. I’d guess if others don’t support…[Read more]
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Mobile Sensor Platform? in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 5 years ago
@ensign has done some work with a moving/drifting sensor stations: https://www.fondriest.com/news/hydrosphere-drifter-brings-lagrangian-sampling-freshwater.htm
The way Monitor My Watershed’s data portal is set up right now is very “site-centric” – the web pages are just not set up to accept moving sensor data like you would generate. The…[Read more]
Sara Damiano started the topic Uploading CSV data to the EnviroDIY Data Sharing Portal in the forum Monitor My Watershed 6 years ago
The EnviroDIY/WikiWatershed data sharing portal is great for accepting live data from data loggers that can access the internet. If you’re using the ModularSensors library or hand-writing your post requests, you can see your data right away. But for sites where there’s not access or a budget for live data, you can upload data in csv format to take…[Read more]