Sara Damiano replied to the topic Add Variable for Atlas Sci Sensor in the forum Environmental Sensors 7 months ago
I’ve been swamped lately, so I’m behind on sensor requests.
<div>@fionasouthwell Are you sure you’re measuring *specific conductance*? From what I know of the Atlas sensors, they don’t measure specific conductance, they measure conductivity. I just very quickly skimmed their latest manual and it doesn’t look like that’s changed. To get…[Read more] -
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Atlas Scientific Dissolved Oxygen Sensor Not Reading in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 years ago
Most I2C devices don’t like having the power to the device cut and the reapplied, which is why the Vcc pin of the Mayfly’s I2C Grove jack is constantly powered. All the other Grove jacks switch the power on or off, but the I2C jack always has 3.3v, even with the Mayfly is asleep. So if you’re powering your Atlas board from any of the switched s…[Read more]