Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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  • Oh… Well I decided to leave that thread for later because I wanted to focus on getting something recorded on the SD card. I see now the mistakes I did. I would change to SdFat if it makes things better, I was trying to get something to work first. The code is now working for me. Thank you very much! The Filename issue was the only thing that I…[Read more]

  • Yes, I am using Mayfly. I am using the built-in microSD card slot. My output I get the values in the serial monitor but nothings gets written into the SD card. The last question is kind of confusing to me, but what I am thinking is that you are asking me if I ever put the code of the SD card somewhere else in this code then yeah, but I still get…[Read more]

  • Hi all,

    I am trying to log data from a conductivity sensor to the SD card, for some reason it is not working. here is my code (I try to use code snippet but I could not make it look like how it suppose to be, I will try again when I am not too busy):

    #include <Arduino.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <Wire.h>
    #include <SD.h>
    #include…[Read more]

  • I removed Sdfat from it and it did not work either. Should I try with sdFat library only?

  • I am trying to get a txt file of the data from all four sensors to the SD card. It works when I use the first code for the DHT sensor only, the data is recorded inside the SD card as a txt file and I can open it when I connect the SD card into my laptop to see the contents of it. I use this
    to record all the data from the four sensors which is…[Read more]

  • Hello everybody, I hope everything is well on your behalf,

    So I am currently trying to record data in an SD card for 4 environmental sensors. I succesfully manage to record the data in just 1 environmental sensor which is the DHT11 for humidity and temperature, but when I try to record it along with turbidity, pH, and conductivity, it does not…[Read more]

  • Gera posted an update 5 years, 2 months ago

    @srgdamiano Hello Mrs. Sara, I hope everything is well on your behalf,

    So at the moment I am trying to store data in a SD card, the SD card I am using is the one that came with the mayfly kit and I was trying to test out the simple file example code that the Envirodiy website has. When I try to compile it, it says that the next three things were…[Read more]

    • In the future, please create a forum post instead of a status update.

      To use PlatformIO, the code has to be structured like proper C++. That is, move the definition of those three functions to above the loop and setup functions. They must be at least declared above the setup and loop. If you’re using the Arduino IDE, which that sketch was…[Read more]

  • Gera posted an update 5 years, 2 months ago

    @shicks Hello Ms. Hicks, I hope everything is well on your behalf,

    So at the moment I am trying to store data in a SD card, the SD card I am using is the one that came with the mayfly kit and I was trying to test out the simple file example code that the Envirodiy website has. When I try to compile it, it says that the next three things were not…[Read more]

    • It sounds like you’re having issues with not properly declaring the libraries required for the sketch, or not having the libraries installed on your computer. I use the standard Arduino IDE, but Sara (and others) who use Platform IO will need to help you since I’m not as familiar with the library functionality with that software.

  • Gera posted an update 5 years, 2 months ago

    @shicks Hello Mr. Hicks, I hope everything is well on your behalf,
    I wanted to ask you something real quick, what kind of pin number I have to write down in the analogRead() function for the grove sockets to read data coming from there? I would like to know all of them, the 22, 6, AA0, or how I should write it down if it is in a different way. I…[Read more]

    • It’s Ms. Hicks, actually. But the If you want to read an analog signal using one of the two analog Grove sockets on the Mayfly board, they are actually connected to the auxiliary 16-bit A/D converter, which is an ADS1115 chip. You’ll need to use an ADS1115 library, which has the commands you use for reading an analog voltage with any one of the…[Read more]

  • Alright. I am getting the data right. Thank you for your help.

  • Also, with the code you provided, if I do not use the voltage divider I can calibrate it to 2.5V if I remove the *2 from the equation. I am first time coder and also the mayfly is something new for me as well, I am learning little by little how this thing works. So the calibration will be right if I use the code without multiplying the 2?

  • Sorry for the late answer I had some stuff to do.
    Okay so, the circuit is connected like this:

    Voltage: V+ which is the 5V DC connected to SW5
    Ground: Ground to Ground
    Analog = PO or PH analog output is connected to the Analog pin A0
    I used three resistors to test which one will be close to the voltage required, I will post a picture of the three…[Read more]

  • The pin is USB5V, I tried using that SW5 as well. I tried using all those slots, all of them gave me the exact same value of 3.73V.

  • pin A0,

    here is the code:
    void setup() {
    // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:

    // the loop routine runs over and over showing the voltage on A0
    void loop() {
    // read the input on analog pin 0:
    int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
    // Convert the analog reading (which goes from 0 – 1023) to a voltage…[Read more]

  • Hello everybody, I am currently trying to work with the Mayfly board to find pH. I have the pH Electrode E201 – BNC and the board that comes with it is the DIY PH-4502C. I am having a problem when trying to calibrate this thing with the mayfly board. the 5v voltage pins of this board do not work as the arduino does. When I calibrate it with the…[Read more]

  • Gera became a registered member 5 years, 3 months ago