2 days ago-
BrianJastram replied to the topic Registering a new site on MMW in the forum Monitor My Watershed a year ago
@heather, I can confirm the fix is working and add a kudos for the swift fix implementation from LimnoTech. Thanks!
neilh20 replied to the topic Systems not recognized from 12th( v0.15.0?) in the forum Monitor My Watershed 2 years ago
Well, I’m back at my desk, with a Mayfly and powered it up, and I’m posting to
Host: monitormywatershed.org
and getting
— Response Code — 301 waited 326 mS Timeout 8000
If I change it to
Host: data.envirodiy.org
— Response Code — 201 waited 577 mS Timeout 8000
From https://github.com/ODM2/ODM2DataSharingPortal/issues/542
Matt Barney replied to the topic Unable to login after v0.15.0 in the forum Monitor My Watershed 2 years ago
Ah! Thank you @heather! I had already forgotten that notification after a week – yikes!
Cdavis replied to the topic DIY auto sampler in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 3 years ago
@heather, I would consider that. I still need to figure out the details on implementation and code.
BrianJastram replied to the topic I am currently unaffiliated with and organization. in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years ago
@heather, Thanks for checking.
Both accounts were set up before the mid-December release. The personal account was around 8/13/19 and the organizational account was around 10/3/19.
Matt Barney replied to the topic Status update on MMW? in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years ago
Thanks @heather, and @aufdenkampe, that does makes sense, with the symptoms we’re seeing. Good to know that the data are not being lost in the interim.
Shutting down the old server temporarily sounds like a good idea; all of our devices are on a 15-minute sampling period, so 20+ minutes should cause at least one failed message from the device,…[Read more]
Anthony Aufdenkampe replied to the topic Status update on MMW? in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years ago
@mbarney, @neilh20, thanks for pinging us.
As @heather mentioned, we released MonitorMW v0.12 yesterday at that time, which has some major under-the-hood improvements to substantially improve reliability, including now being hosted by AWS (zone: us-east-2; Ohio). For details read our v0.12.0: Update to Python 3.8 & Django 2.2; Migrate to AWS…[Read more]
Fiona replied to the topic Adding AtlasSci Sensors to MMW in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years ago
I was able to add it without issue. Thanks so much, @heather and @srgdamiano!
Matt Barney replied to the topic Broken links to example code in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years ago
Hi @heather, Thanks for following up. All looks good to me!
James_NZ replied to the topic Add Sensor button not working on MonitorMyWatershed in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years ago
@heather just FYI. I have attempted to do this on my work computer with the same result.
Is there somewhere I should log MMW problems? We often struggle with the timeseries viewer – it takes a long time to load. Is this a common problem? I thought perhaps it might be caused by our location (New Zealand).
Robert S replied to the topic MMW Data Outage? in the forum Monitor My Watershed 5 years ago
My bad for starting this post in the wrong category. I should have paid more attention!
Forgive my ignorance about the technical details of cellular service but …
As for “any stations currently offline right now are likely using 2G hardware…”, SL168 (Punches Run was upgraded to 4G in 2019 but was still down. If the logger…[Read more] -
Jim Moore replied to the topic MMW Data Outage? in the forum Monitor My Watershed 5 years ago
Since it’s not a MMW issue should I move my technical questions back to my original post on “infrastructure and equipment” forum?
Heather Brooks posted an update in the group Teachers 8 years ago
Hi everyone, and welcome to the EnviroDIY teachers group! As you familiarize yourself with the group features, please feel free to ask me any website-related questions, either publicly by mentioning me (@heather) in a status update in the group, or privately by emailing webmaster@stroudcenter.org.