Heather Brooks replied to the topic Data not appearing in sparklines or on Time Series Analyst in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years, 1 months ago
@ayalavinay, @james-dareboprc-govt-nz: Just a heads up that a new version (v0.12) of Monitor My Watershed has just been pushed from staging to production (at ~13:15 EST today). Please look for a release post here on EnviroDIY.org in the next day or two from @aufdenkampe outlining improvements to the data portal.
Anthony Aufdenkampe replied to the topic Testing TTL-RS485 Adapters in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 8 months ago
@james-dareboprc-govt-nz, those power issues you came across on GitHub (regarding getting the brush to spin and wondering about setting the spin rate) were quite old (2017?) when we first started using YosemiTech sensors and early in my knowledge of DIY electronics. The short-story is that once we figured out that we needed to add a capacitor…[Read more]