Jon replied to the topic XBee Networks of Mayfly Loggers – 900Mhz in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 6 months ago
Thank you so much for your reply. I was just getting ready to try to figure it out. I’ve been having issues with my batteries draining, so this will be a tremendous help.Edited 6/8/19:
After some trial and error, you need to set pin 23 to LOW before transmitting. At least that’s what I could get to work with the xBee’s I’m…[Read more] -
Jon replied to the topic XBee Networks of Mayfly Loggers – 900Mhz in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 6 months ago
The end nodes are set to pin-sleep mode so that the Mayfly wakes them when it’s time to send data. So the Mayfly just drives a pin low (Xbee modules sleep when pin high, and wake when pin low) to wake the module, send it a line of serial text at 9600bd, and the Xbee transmits that line to the coordinator (who’s always awake), and then the May…
Jon replied to the topic ESP8266 in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 10 months ago
I changed the default baud rate on the ESP8266 from 115200 to 9600 and things started working. The AT command I used was AT+UART_DEF=9600,8,1,0,0
Here is where I found this command:
https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/24156/how-to-change-baudrate-of-esp8266-12e-permanentlyJust curious why the ESP8266 wasn’t working at 115200?…[Read more]
Jon replied to the topic board layout files in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 10 months ago
My error was indeed in how I downloaded the files. Shannon, thank you for setting me straight. Daniel, thank you for the image.
Jon replied to the topic ESP8266 in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 10 months ago
Sara, thank you for your response. I’m glad to hear it is possible. Here’s what I’ve got thus far.
Mayfly <—-> ESP8266 ESP-01
Rx1 <——-> Tx
Tx1 <——-> Rx
Gnd <——-> Gnd
Sw3 <——-> VCC & CH_PD// https://allaboutee.com/2014/12/27/esp8266-arduino-code-and-circuit/ void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Serial1.begin(115200); //…
Jon started the topic ESP8266 in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 10 months ago
Has anyone successfully connected an ESP8266 to the Mayfly? Just looking for some direction.
My end goal is to have an xBee to wifi gateway. If I can get it to work, I’ll connect the ESP to TX0/RX0 and have the xBee in the socket. Right now, I’m trying to connect an ESP8266 ESP-01 to the TX1/RX1 pins. Do the TX1/RX1 pins transmit at 3.3V? I can…[Read more]
Jon replied to the topic board layout files in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 10 months ago
This is my first time to use Eagle. I downloaded the free version (maybe this is the issue) in an effort to view the protoshield dimensions. When I try to open the .brd file, I get the following error:
line 8, column 16: This is not an EAGLE file.
I would appreciate your insight as to what I’m doing wrong.
Jon replied to the topic Connecting to the Internet in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 11 months ago
I’d also like to transfer data received from the xBee and transmit it to the internet. In my situation, ethernet is not an option. I need to go from the xBee to WiFi. Can I attach an xBee and an ESP8266 to the Mayfly? Or is there a better method?
I’ve been using the Mayfly for two years to log soil moisture levels and record it on the SD. It’s…[Read more]
Jon became a registered member 5 years, 11 months ago