Khaase replied to the topic Mayfly 1.1 Bootloader Burning? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years ago
An update: I got the Tag Connect socket and it works fine on my Pololu Atmel ICSP programmer, and using it burning bootloaders and program Mayflys is fast and fun.
I am still sorting through my test results and will probably have to do a new battery of tests with an external datalogger because the internal ADC gets confused by low voltages, but…[Read more]
Khaase replied to the topic Primary powering in cold settings in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 2 years ago
So far, your super-capacitor idea is holding up pretty well for me. A 100 uF capacitor buffered voltage sag to a degree, but the 10,000 uF supercap (1/10 the voltage rating and 1/2 the size) gets our setup able to use any given battery voltage measurement without having to consider if the sensors are on or not. (I want to write “Battery voltage…[Read more]
Khaase replied to the topic Mayfly 1.1 Bootloader Burning? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 1 months ago
I ordered the cable. FWIW The folks that run Tag-Connect are very friendly!
Khaase replied to the topic Primary powering in cold settings in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 2 years, 1 months ago
I’ve been testing with Mayfly 1.1 and LiSOCl2 D batteries. Our package is using a Mayfly 1.1, and SD card, and a sensor on the switch power that pulls ~350 mA in pulses when its on.
I initially tried using 1S4P configuration with 95sq015 protection diodes with the intent of preventing heating from cell imbalances. That puts the Vin at about 3.4…[Read more]
Khaase replied to the topic Mayfly 1.1 Bootloader Burning? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 2 months ago
Thank you for the link. I was googling for pogo pin grids, what a nifty widget.
Khaase replied to the topic Mayfly 1.1 Bootloader Burning? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 2 months ago
I probed the traces to the vertical uSD socket and FTDI and determined that with the isolation capacitor and DTR, it’s not possible to update the bootloader from uSD/J7. Of course, Right there on the circuit diagram there is an ICSP port (H4), which is a set of pads for what I believe are 1.94mm pogo pins by the uSD slot. I wonder if there is a…[Read more]
Khaase replied to the topic Mayfly 1.1 Bootloader Burning? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 2 months ago
That is useful, and along the lines of my thinking: moving to LiSOCL2. Though I am having trouble getting supplies to test. The internal impedance of those, especially when low or cold, is a big question. My system can use all the deep-sleep tricks, but when measuring the load spikes up to ~350 mA for fractions of a second, and I wonder if this…[Read more]
Khaase started the topic Mayfly 1.1 Bootloader Burning? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years, 2 months ago
I haven’t seen a discussion about burning a bootloader to the Mayfly 1v1. I presume the best way to so go through J7 with my ISP.
Is there any special guidance? How is this done during assembly?
The reason I am messing with the bootloader is that I’m trying to get Mayflys to live off some big batteries for a project in a cold dark place for a…[Read more]
Khaase became a registered member 2 years, 2 months ago