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Luis Andres Guillen

  • Luis Andres Guillen posted an update 6 years ago

    @diatrix Have you tried getting a quote for the Proteus? Maybe is worth it until the technology is more widely available.
    Thanks for the video, I had no idea of that environmental problem, I’m actually going to El Cuyo on Sunday, and later to other parts of Yu, and visit Tulu, the week after next. Are you at an NGO, University? Maybe there is a…[Read more]

    • I tried to get the quote, but I didn’t get a reply. It was a few months back. I also asked for a data sheet, so maybe they were afraid that I’d get something from it.
      I’m part of Red Tulum Sostenible, an NGO, but the project is my own. Most comercial cenotes are fine. Maybe avoid cenote CarWash, for it’s proximity to the garbage dump.
      As for…[Read more]

  • Luis Andres Guillen posted a new activity comment 6 years ago

    Hello Diego,
    That is an interesting project. Is it in Yucatan Peninsula?
    I think that the advice that you have been given is correct. I don’t know of any sensor that can measure fecal matters real time. The usual way is to monitor the water at fixed intervals, and take the samples to the lab where they can tell you if the bacteria is present.…[Read more]

    • That’s what I was thinking. I’ve been researching fluorescence spectroscopy to make a meter, but I feel like the optical filters would not be cost effective. Although I’ve seen some other comercial products that use them. (See: https://youtu.be/0uipKkfs1rs). The idea is to have a large array of sensors, to find the sources of the pollution.

      Yes,…[Read more]

  • Hello community! I still have the issue with the data loggers time step. The mayfly doesn’t read my computers time and is not updating. Do you know what could be reason for that problem and how i could solve it???

    I’ve attached the modified code from the libraries that I’m using.

    Thanks very much in advance.

  • Thank you very much for your answers! I understand that I don’t need such a large panel, but that one is already in the field an I could plug into it.

    Would this transformer from 12v to 6v work? or do you recommend a different one?…[Read more]

  • Hello, is it possible to connect the Mayfly to a 10w or 20w solar panel that also has an output of 12volts? or would that be too much and would overcharge the batteries or damage the board?
    Thanks in advance!

  • I have the Mayfly v 0.4 could that be the issue? .

  • I get the same issue with the single sensor sketch. A value that is 6 meters or 5 meters more than reality.

    I also cannot get the arduino to get the actual time. it starts and stays in 01-01-2000. Any thoughts about that?

  • Thanks Sara, I got the libraries installed now! existed to try out the new modules! Stroud rocks!

  • Thank you Sara,
    I got to work with the example sketch. Hurra!
    I have seen how much work you have put into the ModularSensors library, and I was trying to make that work, but I’m stuck in trying to download the library dependencies as .zip files, in order to get the libraries into Arduino. I could only download the “.h” files. I’m obviously new…[Read more]

  • Hello Shannon,
    Did you have a chance to take the pictures of the wiring setup. Or are they posted somewhere else?
    Thank you in advance!
    Luis Andres Guillen

  • Luis Andres Guillen posted a new activity comment 8 years ago

    Thank you! I had not noticed the yellow led, that is really helpful to know if it is charging. I went through the connections again and it seems to be charging now! Thanks again!

  • Luis Andres Guillen posted a new activity comment 8 years ago

    Thanks for the prompt answer.
    The panel should be from the starters kit from last year, around the Cuashi meeting. I got it from Nicolas.
    I have the connected it that way. Panel to SOLAR and Battery to LIPO BATT JP2
    The letters are KE3J.

  • Hi,
    I am trying to get a Ultrasonic sensor to work. Hope I can get help with 3 questions:

    1. I need to wire the temperature compensator Maxbotic MB7955 to the Ultrasonic sensor MB7389. I have already a terminal soldered to the Ultrasonic sensor. I know that the red cable from the temp compensator goes to pin 1 in the ultrasonic sensor, but then…[Read more]

  • Hello,
    In order to charge the battery of the Mayfly with a solar panel, do I need to put instructions in the code?
    If so were do I find that line of code?
    In case the mayfly doesn’t need any code to read the solar panel, Why isn’t my mayfly getting charged from the solar panel?
    Thanks in advance,
    Luis Andres Guillen

    • No, no additional code is needed for a solar panel to charge the Mayfly battery. What kind of panel are you using, and what type of battery? If you connect a 6v solar panel with a standard JST-style connector to the “SOLAR” port of the Mayfly, it will charge any single 3.7v LiPo battery connected to the “LIPO BATT” port.

      If you have really…[Read more]

      • Thanks for the prompt answer.
        The panel should be from the starters kit from last year, around the Cuashi meeting. I got it from Nicolas.
        I have the connected it that way. Panel to SOLAR and Battery to LIPO BATT JP2
        The letters are KE3J.

    • If you have a battery connected to the LiPo jack, you should see a yellow LED light up next to the battery jack whenever the solar panel is connect and placed in the sun. You should also see the yellow LED if you have a battery connected and you plug a USB cable into the Mayfly, because the charging circuitry can be powered by either a solar…[Read more]

    • Thank you! I had not noticed the yellow led, that is really helpful to know if it is charging. I went through the connections again and it seems to be charging now! Thanks again!

  • Luis Andres Guillen posted a new activity comment 8 years ago

    Thank you very much for the information Shannon. I have already several of those sensors, so I wanted to put them into use. I I’ll check which type of water content they have found in the site to see if that is an appropriate sensor. Thanks!

  • Hello,
    Does anyone have experience in connecting a Campbell Scientific CS616 Water Content Reflectometer to the Mayfly?
    In that case how do I go about it? How much power would I need to sample every 30 minutes?
    I am new to this field, so all comments and direction are really welcome.
    Luis Andres Guillen

    • I haven’t used one of those before, but it outputs a square wave that’s frequency is proportional to the soil moisture, so your logger would have to do some frequency measurements and then convert that to VWC using a formula. But that particular sensor has a low (0.7v) output, so you’d probably want to use the CS625 sensor, which is the same as…[Read more]

      • Thank you very much for the information Shannon. I have already several of those sensors, so I wanted to put them into use. I I’ll check which type of water content they have found in the site to see if that is an appropriate sensor. Thanks!

  • Hi Shannon,
    I am interested in a sample sketch of how to write the info on the display.

  • Luis Andres Guillen became a registered member 8 years ago