Mark posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
We are expecting to do a little soldering and working on the Mayfly sketch. The data will be sent via Wifi to our own server and to EnvironDIY
Mark posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Great info. We will look at that approach
Mark posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
No manual. Just a data sheet I can’t read
Hello Mark – oops I’m thinking in another dual world – my brain fart.
The sensor is 4-20mA (i’m using that type of sensor in non-mayfly Onset U30 loggers and trying to move to Mayfly/RS485).
The 4-20mA with excitation 12-36V is much simpler, but it is not supported directly by Mayfly.
The excitation voltage can be done with the switched…[Read more] -
We are expecting to do a little soldering and working on the Mayfly sketch. The data will be sent via Wifi to our own server and to EnvironDIY
Mark posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
We are planning to be solar powered using a 2500 mAh 3.7V battery and Voltaic Systems 2W/6V solar panel
It sounds like the RS485 Wing Shield would work for you, probably standard voltage option but you should check it works. It does require assembly and soldering.
I was wondering if you have the sensor manual including data protocol and what RS485 registers,-
No manual. Just a data sheet I can’t read
Hello Mark – oops I’m thinking in another dual world – my brain fart.
The sensor is 4-20mA (i’m using that type of sensor in non-mayfly Onset U30 loggers and trying to move to Mayfly/RS485).
The 4-20mA with excitation 12-36V is much simpler, but it is not supported directly by Mayfly.
The excitation voltage can be done with the switched…[Read more] -
We are expecting to do a little soldering and working on the Mayfly sketch. The data will be sent via Wifi to our own server and to EnvironDIY
Mark posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Thanks for the great information. I will look into these items and get back.
Mark posted an update in the group Sensor Developers 6 years ago
Does anyone have any experience with these 24v 4-20ma depth sensors from China?
I have a few and they seem well constructed. We are working on integrating them with the Mayfly.
This requires A) a 24 volt voltage source. (We are trying…[Read more]-
Hi Mark
Thanks for sharing – just wondering what your power supply source is. Are you solar powered, running of the LiIon battery or another source.
Technically the spec says “Power Supply:12~36VDC” – that is nominally 24V, but actually a range. That would fit with the…[Read more]-
Thanks for the great information. I will look into these items and get back.
We are planning to be solar powered using a 2500 mAh 3.7V battery and Voltaic Systems 2W/6V solar panel
It sounds like the RS485 Wing Shield would work for you, probably standard voltage option but you should check it works. It does require assembly and soldering.
I was wondering if you have the sensor manual including data protocol and what RS485 registers,-
No manual. Just a data sheet I can’t read
Hello Mark – oops I’m thinking in another dual world – my brain fart.
The sensor is 4-20mA (i’m using that type of sensor in non-mayfly Onset U30 loggers and trying to move to Mayfly/RS485).
The 4-20mA with excitation 12-36V is much simpler, but it is not supported directly by Mayfly.
The excitation voltage can be done with the switched…[Read more] -
We are expecting to do a little soldering and working on the Mayfly sketch. The data will be sent via Wifi to our own server and to EnvironDIY
So to restart the thread – it can be done with RS485 wing board to generate a switched excitation voltage (from the LiIon). The voltage probably needs to be 14V+ so could be U3V50F24 to generate 24V.
To measure the 4-20mA accurately use Adafruit INA219 with a 10ohm resistor.
The Mayfly has the INA219 drivers,…[Read more]-
Great info. We will look at that approach
For a fully built commercial offering this has just been announced. Select only the 4-20mA Input Adapter
Mark posted an update 6 years ago
We will be using this temperature sensor
If you use a DS18B20 sensors, it requires a pullup resistor on the data line. You can connect the sensor data line to pin D10 and then just close the solder jumper SJ12 on the back of the Mayfly to enable the builti-in pullup resistor for that data pin. This saves you from having to add a separate resistor somewhere on the board to pullup D10.
Mark posted an update in the group Sensor Developers 6 years ago
Hi I am planning to set up some monitoring stations to monitor the Conductivity, temperature and water level in different areas around our county. Does anyone have a recommendation for a lower cost conductivity and temperature sensor?
Mark became a registered member 6 years ago
For a fully built commercial offering this has just been announced. Select only the 4-20mA Input Adapter