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  • Mark posted a new activity comment 8 years ago

    Do you have some sketches or schematics available of the hardware? I wonder how you wired SDI to the Arduino.

    • Wiring the sensor to the Arduino board is fairly simple, just connect the SDI12 sensor data line to a free data pin (like D7), connect the sensor power wire to Vcc, and sensor ground to GND. Then just use the sample code provided with the SDI12 library to poll the sensor for data and/or change the channel number. To use a pushbutton on the box…[Read more]

      • Shannon, I would love a copy of your example code for both SDI12 and serial for the Decagon sensors. I’ve got several CTD-10’s that I”m including in a wireless sensor network and would like to use them with an Arduino Mega, but we haven’t worked with SDI12 yet. Thus the code would be greatly appreciated.


  • Mark became a registered member 8 years ago