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  • in reply to: Board Basics #14937

      Beth, in your third to last paragraph of your first post you started to touch on what I’m trying to understand. For example I am using pins D7, D11, D21, and I can refer to them in the code as 7, 11, 21 in basic sketches. But what does scl, sda, on the digital side, or AA1, AA3, etc on the analog side mean and how do I refer to those pins in the code. It sounds like you are saying you will learn what those are as they are used in some tutorials that you find online. There is without a doubt a wealth of information online that continues to broaden my understanding of the subject but that is a tedious way to get answers to specific problems or questions. I was hoping to find more board specific information, like info about working with the 5v booster needed for the HC-SR04 sensor. It seems like you learn about the board through learning about programing vs a more explicit diagram.

      in reply to: Board Basics #14933

        I have looked through those sources and while I may have missed something in the LearnEnviroDIY link. Nothing answers my above question in a language I could understand.

        in reply to: HCSR04 & Sw5 #14930

          I am trying to use the HC – SR04 with the board and have some similar questions. To clarify, are you saying that sensor can actually run fine at 3.3V? I hooked it up to the Sw5 pin and found code that says to power that at 5V write D22 high. Echo and Trig are hooked up to digital pins directly. Are you saying the return voltage from the echo pin will be too high?  In addition, I added a DHT 22 temp/humidity sensor. I also directly connected a digital pin and 5v for power. So far nothing has blown up.

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