Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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  • Rene, I got the bare bones Aqua Plumb when they kickstarted it:
    They filed off all the numbers on the chips, so not clear how they are doing it.
    Be interested to hear how you got on and compare notes.

  • Hey interesting thread here.
    Seems like a lot of people have some great ideas on this. My 2cents is its a really difficult area – specifically for what Rene has pointed out – the quiescent current.
    Unfortunately Arduino does not cultivate a low power paradigm – Arduino core has said dealing with low power event based software is too difficult,…[Read more]

  • neilh20 posted a new activity comment 9 years, 1 months ago

    Hi Rick
    Great to see, and I like the specs on the devices you’ve chosen.
    Have you a reference or a plan on where you might release the libraries – software and hardware design.
    Mechanical enclosures are a challange, and unfortunately, if you are doing a real-world design for a specific environment (weather balloon?) its one of the starting…[Read more]

    • neihl,
      This device wouldn’t be used in a weather balloon type environment, that’s just one of the areas I deal in most with NWS. I have a side business where I currently only sell NOAA Weather Radio / SAME Decoder modules for arduino and raspberry pi usage and wanted to expand my device offerings. I won’t post the site, cause that’s not really my…[Read more]

      • By the way, as far as enclosures go. I’ve had great luck, even when it comes to customization using TEKO, PacTec and Polycase.

  • Hi Dave
    Sounds like you have a good idea of what you want to do and the technologies, but to start with the basics.
    1) I’d suggest a plan with cost options including what ever time its going to cost in time billing. If there is team install project time with two people per visit for safety and x hours traveling time – the costing analysis changes.…[Read more]

  • The LoRa are part of a group of emerging technologies – some that may be built out like the Cellular Network for easy use.
    One example is http://www.weightless.org/keyfeatures/5-km-range
    Right now they are point to point – that is you have to have both sides of the link – and do Line of Sight analysis. The wireless signals will not go through…[Read more]

  • Hello Stephanie
    Goodluck with it. Thanks for the detail. Out of curiosity what base arduinio are you are looking at.
    One way to share the experience is to blog on the stages that you go through.
    The challenges – from how to check what works and how to protect it, and how they are overcome are as valuable as the end result.

    The Adafruit FON…[Read more]

  • BTW its also worth compiling a list of different ways of doing remote long distance RWSN – what works and what doesn’t
    One cellular method is to use an integrated Cell phone
    And I’ve just seen this that might answer your original question, an Arduino shield for 3G Multitech Socket…[Read more]

  • Hi Stephanie
    Thanks for the azonde.com comment – I started it many years ago – somewhat based on TinyOS.net – which is an embedded CompSci teaching tool.
    A better way is to use a REST based reporting.
    An example I’ve done using a Rain Gauge (Arduino based) https://thingspeak.com/channels/8652 (supplied by https://iobridge.com/)
    which when using…[Read more]

  • Hi Bamboohydraulics
    I’d be interested in what you are teaching and what yous see as benefits in using automated monitoring.
    Using Arduino controllers is challenging and one has been written up on this board,
    – you might have a look at something I wrote here

    Datalogger build

    here is someone trying…[Read more]

  • I’m using systems from Onset U30 which have been upgraded – see a post I made elsewhere. The sensor interaface is typically 20mA current or Voltage.

    If you are after an Arduino shield its only going to be the typical Arduino distributors.
    For “coming soon” that should be Arduino suppliers you could make a downpayment on…[Read more]

  • Hi Brandon,
    I’d Be interested in who your contact is at SWRC that you heard it from.

    I’d say if you want to start monitoring ASAP you’ll need to buy the “value added” system that has had the work done for you.
    You need to pay attention to the specification sheets.
    This should be integrated piece of equipment with all functions, logger,SD…[Read more]

  • Wow Brandon, sounds like a great project. I’ve just got back from a music festival – and have a whole pile of work to get through – but hopefully can get back tomorrow with some ideas.
    Since its a school, and I’ve been talking to some local teachers about a similar thing and I’m being introduced to the language of cirriculum, do you have specific…[Read more]

  • Wow Brandon, sounds like a great project. I’ve just got back from a music festival – and have a whole pile of work to get through – but hopefully can get back tomorrow with some ideas.
    Since its a school, and I’ve been talking to some local teachers about a similar thing, do you have specific items you are hoping to teach – is it focused on the…[Read more]

  • Hello Brandon
    Can you say a little about your application/project – is it something you are collecting data to supply to others or a kick-off learning project, how urgent is the project, is it outdoors with no power, does it have a cabinet, what range of water level/accuracy and placement (a well or a stream?). What range of conductance and whats…[Read more]

  • neilh20 posted a new activity comment 9 years, 5 months ago

    Nice – The ADS1015 handles a lot.
    A lot of onboard ADCs need careful looking at – they are improving.
    Numbers need confidence/traceability analysis, the errors typically need all adding, the Vref error, temperature drift error across temperature range, the ADC error, and then any external circuitry – so that was why I was curious as to how you…[Read more]

  • neilh20 posted a new activity comment 9 years, 5 months ago

    Hey nice article. Thanks for posting.
    I’m curious – what sort of target voltages where you measuring and what measurement accuracy where you looking for? and over what temperature range. ?

    • The ADS1015 ADC has a programmable gain so I since I was looking at signals I knew were below 2v, I used the GAIN_TWO setting to give me a range of +/-2.048V. You can select anything from a gain of two-thirds to 16, which is a range of around 6v (but realistically Vcc of 5v for an Uno) down to 0.25v.

      For accuracy, the error is supposedly less…[Read more]

  • neilh20 wrote a new post 9 years, 8 months ago

    Wireless access comes in many forms – the cellular access is quite extraordinary in how useful it’s been – untethered access. There are hidden undercurrents for remote sensing M2M (machine-2-machine) – cellula […]

  • neilh20 wrote a new post 9 years, 8 months ago

    A fun project was using the Electric IMP001 to communicate with an RS485 pressure transducer. The readings are delivered to the cloud and use the nice (and evolving) services of thingspeak.net.

    The […]

    • What kind of pressure sensor are you using? You can usually get temperature-compensated ones for only a slightly higher cost than non-compensated ones.

    • I’m working with a variety of models – the base specification has been 0.1%FS TEB (Full Scale Total Error Band) with acceptance testing for a 10C shift in water temp across a diurnal cycle. The spec has been to accurately measure low levels at about the 0.2-1foot mark of water in summer – with a hydro-graph range of 0-10feet.
      Initially we used the Keller levelgauge -and some of them came up with a wild temperature instability, that is as the water warmed by couple of degrees they oscillated the full extent of their error band and in some cases went outside it. The error wasn’t allocated proportionately across the error band.
      Then switched to a Keller Acculelvel that has a tighter error band. I ran tests on them all before we deployed them to the field.
      I’m interested in what other people are using. The critical issue is having the 0.1% Total Error Band across a 10C shift in water temperature.
      I’ve heard some people recommend the Solinst devices, and the standalone Insitu – so I’m building a database if anybody has a favorite and any experience to share 🙂

  • neilh20 wrote a new post 9 years, 8 months ago

    Wow what a great place to share about sensors. My passion has been the interface between the real world and the digital domain. The world as we know it always has layers – so while we aim for a visualized story o […]

  • neilh20 posted a new activity comment 9 years, 8 months ago

    Seems like quite a challenge looking for Nitrates and Phosphates – possibly using Raman Spectroscopy.
    Possibly tickle with a UV laser for
    NO3/Nitrate excited by UV 204nm – resonance output 1104nm


    I wonder if anybody else is thinking about this?
    The UV laser seems to be the biggest challange in a small package, the spe…[Read more]