colemanjj started the topic Water Monitoring in remote locations with a solar Particle Electron in the forum Environmental Sensors 6 years, 1 months ago
The Spudnik project is designed to monitor water quality and other environmental parameters in remote locations, report over the cell network and post the monitoring data to Ubidots and the Particle console.
The project is described, hardware identified, and the code posted at:
https://github.com/colemanjj/Spudnik-07The initial deployment of…[Read more]
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Newbie Mayfly Setup for RS485 sensor to internet in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 6 years, 3 months ago
Please, do send in a pull request! I really deeply appreciate other people taking the time to look through my code and giving any suggestions they might have.
You should be able to use the build flag “build_flags = -D DEBUGGING_SERIAL_OUTPUT=Serial” but that might give you way, way more than you want to see. There is a LOT of debugging output…[Read more]
Jeremy Hise posted an update in the group Datalogger developers 8 years ago
Hi all, I’m pretty new to data logger development but have certainly gotten my feet wet. A project I am currently involved in requires measuring tiny changes in tree stem growth. So tiny, in fact, I believe I have to deal with signal noise from my power source/14 bit ADC. I know I can apply some statistical methods (ie. averaging with…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Mayfly Power Consumption in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 5 months ago
For most of my loggers, I use a 1200mah or 2500mah battery, depending on how much power the external sensors draw, what size solar panel I’m using, and how shady the deployment site might be.
I’m optimizing and documenting the sleeping logger Arduino code and will post it as soon as it is ready.
Hey thanks for posting. Interesting issue.
Noise in circuits is well studied and a deeeeeep issue. In circuits there are two types of noise to manage, faster than 1hz and then probably your main concern and more challenging less that 1Hz . Filtering out noise is useful at higher frequencies where low frequency noise is not an issue.
Managing…[Read more]
Wow some great info. Thank you very much and I will check out the your blog as it seems this career path will be heavily involved in these kinds of problems. The design is straight forward, a Li-Polymer battery, arduino pro mini with the ADS1115, xbee series 2 and a Midori Precisions linear sensor…essential a variable resistor up to 1K. Trees…[Read more]
Hey Jeremy,
Interesting project there – I’ve wondered about the effect on the trees when they are really transpiring in a heat wave,
and also what the delay was between heat peak for transpiration, and pulling the water from the ground, and stream.
So looking to measure 6microns, or 0.006mm across the LP-10F travel of 10.0 mm
I’m guess maybe you…[Read more]
Those are some great questions. Tree water/soil/atmospheric relations is where a lot of this work is pointed. Some species, like the Picea abies, can swell up to 0.006 mm in a 24 hour period, others less so, so I’m looking to detect changes within the 0.000-0.006mm range.
Generally speaking, would one start with identifying noise at the power…[Read more]
I think you have to look at all the noise sources with the level of measreument that you are looking at. So broadly for a 0.006mm range, you want some resolution in it, which defines what exactly is your 0. That in turn will translate to the noise floor that you need to exceed. So so you could use a scale of 16 – then you need to be able to…[Read more]
Neil this has been such a great conversation. Thank you.
I don’t understand the scale of 16. Could you elaborate or point me to a reference. I’m having a hard time googling that one. This sensor is a “cheaper” version of one that is in the field being used exactly for this purpose. That sensor has a temp. coefficient of +-400 ppm/K. This seems to…[Read more]
Hi Jeremy
My reference to 16 was that for a total change of 0.006mm its going to be broken down to a scale, and if you choose 1/16 (as its digital) then for 0.006mm/16 you would have a target of 0.000375 mm – which is very small.
Now looking at the LP-10F spec – which with a total travel of 10mm is better than 20mm for measuring something very s…[Read more]
Just came across a devices that maybe could make small distance measurements
Piezoelectric film – the problem might be calibrating it.
That is it might be able to show a change in trunk diameter based on stress applied to the film, but how easy would it be to translate to metric mm?
Also it doesn’t contain a temperature dependency…[Read more]