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  • in reply to: Mayfly v1.1 technical questions forum thread #16985
      Suspect Mayfly1.1

      The cable I was using also went bad and I’ve marked it as suspect – its a distinctive pink cable.  I’ve inspected the Mayfly USB c on Mayfly1.1 with an Eye Loupe,

      in reply to: Mayfly v1.1 technical questions forum thread #16977
        My USB connect to a rev1.1 board appears to be failing.

        It was working, and now its stop connecting to the PC, stops even causing an audible ding.

        If I take the same USB C cable and plug it in to th

        in reply to: Mayfly version 0.5b data accuracy/validity #16971
          One aspect of measurements the Mayfly does manage is the time. If the small battery gets used up, then it will reset to a default time. Another way of checking time is roughly accurate (+/ couple hour
          in reply to: Mayfly with Xbee MTech mDot LoRa module #16918
            I’ve been chewing and reading about LoRa for some time, and just recently been reviewing as part of student engineering project the data flow for LoRa  and LoRaWan to TTN (The Things Network) a
            in reply to: Mayfly 1.1 powering review & analysis #16906
              Here are some graphs of measured Vbat(10bit) with a software filtering that I’ve just completed. Its using a 2minute reading sample time – the electronic noise is hopefully similar when used on 15
              in reply to: DIY auto sampler #16891
                @craig607 yes totally agree, spit balling or back of the envelope sketch 🙂
                So great – you can see I’m asking the dumb questions, and if some one has to pick up the bottles every so-often,
                in reply to: DIY auto sampler #16889
                  @craig607 great to see the stepper functionality and managing it with the GCODEs though I wasn’t clear what the Marlin board is, and how it gets activated. Is the relay the power switch ON, or
                  in reply to: DIY auto sampler #16887
                    @craig607 fascinating, thankyou for the brainstorm.
                    Looking at the stepper motor power draw, seems like managing where that power draw comes from would be part of the design. For one source of steppe
                    in reply to: Data Uploading but not Publishing #16858
                      @lyh2o just thinking about this I wonder, assuming you have this in the office close to the computer that is programming it, if you could enable some debugging and post the trace here.

                      The debugging

                      in reply to: Keller CTD Sensor #16784
                        Great – I’ve asked https://www.instrumart.com/ if they plan on stocking it.

                        Something to note, a bit strange, is it comes up in SDI-12 mode, and needs an initial configuration to switch

                      Viewing 10 posts - 101 through 110 (of 366 total)