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Viewing 10 posts - 151 through 160 (of 366 total)
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  • in reply to: Battery Failing In the middle of the night #15926
      What’s the battery size (maHr)  and solar panel (W)?.  Also which port do you plug the solar panel into?

      I’m wondering though, you are also sampling every 5minutes, do you need it to be

      in reply to: Issues on MMW Site #15925
        Just an observation, once the hardware is working nicely, it often takes more software to manage that hardware 🙂  – it’s a broad subject when talking about power   –  the batter
        in reply to: Battery Failing In the middle of the night #15914
          Also seems to me the core issue is you lost charging /solar about the end of May.

          Possibly the panels got over grown, or shaded out.

          I have a separate LiIon charger ~ https://www.adafruit.com/produc

          in reply to: Mayfly Availability #15909

            Good to hear that the gauges survived, and delivered the data.!!

            Many thanks for the refresh on status  and  (target) date :). Very helpful.

            in reply to: Mayfly Availability #15907
              Just wondering any visibility on a timeline for new Mayfly, and what the new goodies are :).

              I am looking at recommending it in an SSU Engineering project.

              The first projection on availability was e

                An idea, equipment failure isolation.  (assuming you’ve got the board in a lab location) Possible combinations of the three variable 1) switch uSD and 2) switch Mayfly  3) add separate USB pow
                in reply to: Using Xbee Cellular Modem with ThingSpeak #15900
                  @zeke-holloman  great glad to hear it.

                  Which modem did you buy and where did you get it?. I thought they were in short supply,  and I&

                  in reply to: Stability Testing ~ how to do it? #15887
                    I’m using Release 0.30.0 for stability regression testing, its gone well, and captured a visual description of it here

                    in reply to: Extracting Data Query #15867
                      Hello @d_bozza123, the Ponsel sensor looks very interesting.

                      I’ve interfaced to a SDI-12 sensor Insitu LT500.

                      My suggestion is you think of breaking up the work into units.

                      That is first how

                      in reply to: Could Mayfly have been damaged during storm event? #15857
                        Hi Cheryl, nice pics, good to have a record.

                        Typically on pressing reset, the LEDs dance red/green for a few seconds.  The orange light would seem to indicate its getting power from the solar panel

                      Viewing 10 posts - 151 through 160 (of 366 total)