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@mbarney the trace looks good for the waking portion. What I see on my system is that it wakes every minute and then sleeps inbetween. So if you have it on a 15minute setting it will do above, then sleep/wake 14times. The current can be read when it goes to sleep.
For the differential case I would think you would have two sets of dividers. BTW total error is additive. So you can probably match the R, but whatever the error is eg 0.1% then the final error that gets introduced is 0.4% . It may not matter if you are looking for dynamic changes rather than absolute numbers.?
@mbarney an observation, the power is being turned off on the off board ADS1115, but not for the Turner. The ADS1115 Analog inputs are only specified for Vdd+0.3V. If either of the Turners outputs are above this, then it will feed through to the ADS1115 Vdd Sw5V. Probably won’t account for what your are seeing.
I found a I needed to know when in sleep v current consumption, so used the Ttty to know when its in sleep mode, and to measure the current at that time. (I have Adafruits INA219)
Gosh @shicks that is great to hear. I wonder would you share how you made the sleep measurements with the microSD present. Any sketches for putting the mega1284 to sleep. Getting to 0.5mA would be fantastic!
Matt Interesting real data with a coulomb counter. Great stuff.
My current measurements on 0.28.01 for sleep are 2.5mA . I haven’t got a test setup for other modes at this point, but probably will have in the next couple of weeks.
For my current measurements I run it only from the battery and put a Adafruit INA219 in series, with a simple driver polling once a second, running on a separate Mayfly and then visually monitor current.
I’ve put together a spreadsheet for how power is used. I tend to calculate in mAseconds and then of course 3600mAseconds = 1mAhr.
Since I’m also wanting to tweak production code, I need debugging. I modified the FTDI cable so that only the processor Tx and the Gnd are connected, and debug output will advertise what state the processor is in. For an FTDI connector – male to male pins and just snip all pins except critical ones.
So from the spread sheet, for sampling period 900sec, using Readings 6.5mA@10secs, LTE 35mA@50secs,
Then for 24 hrs, 96*15minutes
sleep at 6mAs the calculation is 182mAHrs close to yours
sleep at 2.5mA then 104mAhrs
sleep at 0.5mA 59.6mAhrs ~ (I want it!)
Hi Matt, that’s great it can do the wiper at 3.3V.
I’m using the onboard ADS1115 dedicating AA0 for LiIon battery measurement see photo . Its using 1Mohms and 100Kohms.
I did initially try 1M and 1M but the ADS1115 still had some voltage offset I couldn’t account for or get rid of with software settings. Data sheets say Analog Input impeadance Typ is 6M so seems like any leakage current should have been ok with 1M/1M. I got more accurate results with the 1M/100K .
Yup soldering STC3100 with a with hope and prayer (my catholic background) to the god of solder reflow. DFN-8 0.5mm. Yeah!!! for toaster ovens. With SMD its so nice to see all the soldering reflow in 2minutes. I use stencils from . Just waiting for the parts to build some more.
Sorry Matt for the lingo – its hardware speak. 🙂 It was on at least two Mayfly 0.5b that I measured.!! I now measure the LiIon via the ADS1115 – here is what the two measurements look like in the field. A lot of work to get it there. They have the 4400mAh battery from Adafruit, and 3W solar panel.
Fancy that Turner Turbidity Plus sensor!. Interesting spec, says its supply is 3V-15V, but not clear what the wiper takes at 3V. It specifies the wiper at 12V@280mW (23mA?)If you haven’t got an easy interface to the wires from the Mayfly, the “RS485 boards” could provide a reasonable interface to the wires (you wouldn’t need the separate RS485 hybrid)
If it needs the 12V for the wiper there is a range of Pololu boosters that fit on the board 12V. U3V12F12
If you want to switch directly from the LiIon bat, I have done this new board
Also I’ve put on an STC3100 Battery monitor that can measure V and mAHrs/Coloumb counter – looking interesting so far though, still a wip
Just a note, I’ve switched to an STC3100 “Battery monitor IC with Coulomb counter“. The LTC2942 became unavailable and turned out to be more expensive.
I’ve got the basic driver here – the device driver reading the registers is here —
A device manager that can provide power consumed in mAhrs is still wip.
I’m using it with an enhanced RS485 power board that supplies power directly to the 4V to 12V booster – and it can supply a continuous 1.9W.
This a new board, and if anybody wants one they should let me know this week so can be included in a manufacturing build.
A status for testing with 0.28.01 – after integrating to this release with the SDI-12 bug fixed and then leaving it running for two weeks, using a Verizon LTE CAT-M1 has worked very well. A deliberate characteristic of this test setup was to have a very limited solar aspect a small charge at maximum 0.5A in the morning- but the overall power usage has been pretty low. U
Any usage of the Digi WiFi/0.28.01 soon gets hungup, and I plan to look at it.
On my fork I also have a BatteryManagementSubsystem combined with a reliable delivery that have worked in combination very well.
The following picture summarizes my testing.
Jim fascinating, thanks for sharing and been re-reading your document a couple of times.
(I’m redoing my previous post as I got a bit excited with a power discussion).
I use a higher threshold V for transmitting cellular information. The voltage is dependent on the battery type/capacity and the load on the battery.
I use 3.8V as a threshold to stop transmitting,.Under 3.8V I’m reserving the power to purely take readings, and extend the length of time that readings can be taken. Objective is at least two weeks.
On a transmission attempt, if the Voltage is above 3.8V then it transmits all the outstanding readings taken under 3.8V.See this test that shows this.
So a question, from your document, how are you measuring the LiIon battery voltage?
I don’t have good results from using the Mayfly’s mega1284 Vbat.
I put some data out and never got a response
I implemented a separate monitor on ADS115 AA0
The results can be seen on the two Battery Voltage measurements on
For maintenance the “EnviroDIY_Mayfly Data Logger”/”V, solar or LiIon Batt 5-3.5V” indicates there is a good solar aspect charging the Adafruit 4Ahr battery.
The AA0 sensor “All_External Voltage Divider”/”LiIon battery V” indicates how well that solar aspect is charging the battery.
Through Digikey RevX there are some new data plans that cover up to 50MB for $6/month
Using Digi LTE CAT-M1 modems, with Verizon SIMS from Digikey, transmitting 8 values, taking readings every 15minutes, and attempting reliable transmission every 2hours, in a riparian valley in a remote area of N California, (so retransmission when the wind blowing wrong direction or fog) I’m seeing about 2.5Mbytes a month. Well within the 50MB.
► AT&T CAT-M1 50MB @ $6 ( $0.40/MB OVER ) – US / CA / MX – (no lines present)
► VERIZON CAT-M1 50MB @ $6 ( $0.40/MB OVER ) – USA – 1 LINE(s)
I guess should check LTEIn case its of interest, I’m using the EEPROMClass from EEPROM.h
EEPROM.put(EP_PERSISTENT_STORE_ADDR,; where is a typedef containing all the values to be stored/read from persistent EEPROM.
and similarly