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  • neilh20
      Hi @selbig an interesting idea.

      I’ve been thinking about unattended access (of just equipment monitoring) and BT (low power) would be pretty nice. However as you are seeing there is a lot of co

      in reply to: Stability Testing ~ how to do it? #15066
        Hi Sara, the short answer is no ~ which is a good.

        I’ve had some other urgent issues that have come up, and so have had to leave it for a while.   In my test bench trial above over a couple o

        in reply to: Stability Testing ~ how to do it? #15051
          The WiFi S6B Vcc spec is very tight at  3.14-3.46V and the earlier trace showed that when the WiFi comes out of sleep, the current demand on the Vcc could be pulling it out of specification. In order
          in reply to: Stability Testing ~ how to do it? #15017
            I’m testing the stability of the Mayfly with the Digi WiFi S6B with software using the 0.27.5 base., running off the LiPo battery.

            Some of the the WiFi S6B hybrids initially connect to the WiFi

            in reply to: Stability Testing ~ how to do it? #15011
              I’ve received more “LTE Bee Adapter” cards, and looking to experiment using it to investigate why the  Xbee WiFi S6B is not reliably connecting to the local wifi network. https://gi
              in reply to: Stability Testing ~ how to do it? #15009
                Well after running for some time with the WiFi S6B, and still having problems after it has been running for a couple of hours,
                I’ve switched to one my target field internet comms of Digi XBee3 L
                in reply to: Stability Testing ~ how to do it? #14995
                  Some status – the periodic Mayfly RESETs turned out, I think, to be happening when polling the Insitu LT500 gauge over SDI12. https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/issues/344

                  The new code bre

                  in reply to: Inexpensive DIY conductivity sensor #14921
                    The latest release of ModularSensors 0.27.0 has a new simple electrical conductivity sensors ~  AnalogElecConductivity.h/.cpp

                    Thanks to Sara for accepting it as a MS  sensor and formatting it to th

                    in reply to: Battery Capacity /Fuel Gauge #14863
                      Hi Matt – well been watching the output of the LC709203F with some other testing. It does work for the accurate battery voltage measurement.


                      However the LC709203F “%” capaci

                      in reply to: Sampling frequency for Monitor My Watershed #14852
                        My experience is that its not capable of that.

                        I have been doing a lot of testing in pushing up readings to test Mayfly reliable data delivery algorithms I have evolved.  I have in some cases had 60

                      Viewing 10 posts - 231 through 240 (of 366 total)