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Viewing 10 posts - 241 through 250 (of 366 total)
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  • in reply to: Monitoring power consumption #14847
        Hi James, very interesting. I wonder which Analog port on the mayfly you are using,  ADS1115.?

        One test I do, to verify the sensors response, is put the sensor in a simulated stationery stream, (jug

        in reply to: Rain Gauge Tip Data Without Rain #14761
          Hi Brian, You may want to describe the type of tipping bucket and the electrical interface for counting .  Some types of relay contacts can oxidize and require a minimum wetting current at some point
          in reply to: Monitoring power consumption #14711
            I’m sharing some integration test results. I’ve been using a Vbat=4.0V threshold – that is under Vbat=4.0V it does sensor readings only, and stores the readings for later reliable data delivery.
            in reply to: Monitoring power consumption #14670
              I’ve had a simple system soak testing. Its not meant to be a deployable system, but I’m using it for testing out powering related algorithms.

              It has an Xbee WiFi, LiIon 500mA, measuring M

              in reply to: Battery Measurement accuracy #14667
                So just to add some more characterization measurements.

                I’m using a Mayfly Sn 20395, and attempting to characterize what range the readings from the Mayfly ADC Vbat are linear when it is only p

                in reply to: Monitoring power consumption #14664
                  Hi Matt, power is a challenge. I always think of those battery watches with a tiny battery in them. How do they do it.

                  My take is this. a) what is the minimum energy its going to collect across the r

                  in reply to: Monitoring power consumption #14657
                    I should note, that for real world solar panels, the power supplied by the panel is  dependent on the solar photons received. For a  slow change in power delivery some circuits have some strange beh
                    in reply to: Monitoring power consumption #14656
                      I’ve been using the INA219 and contributed sensors\TINA219
                      I’ve used it for measuring a working Mayfly on the lab bench. For  field monitoring, I would think you need a coloumb counter ~
                      in reply to: Mayfly with LoRA module physical connection #14606
                        Hi Anthony, I would also be available for testing/helping integrate LoRa networking and I have some gateways. Wow great news to hear there is an implementation done.

                        For my local SSU I volunteer as I

                      Viewing 10 posts - 241 through 250 (of 366 total)