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Viewing 10 posts - 251 through 260 (of 366 total)
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  • in reply to: Buy 20-25 Mayfly Data Loggers and Proto Shields #14604
      Hello I’ve just had a request to quote for a number of water monitoring devices, each one includes a Mayfly. I’ve put on the response quote subject to availability of the Stroud Water Rese
      in reply to: Depth measurement using MaxSonar #14540
        Hi James, thanks for the agupubs reference – very nice to see the LiDar work.
        I had talked to a LiDar guy some years ago and they had said they didn’t think it would work for streams, but
        in reply to: Remote Programming of MayFly Data Logger #14513
          Interesting idea for a secondary board, perhaps linked into the USB. I have heard it done before via the JTAG, but I don’t believe this is available for Mayfly.
          Possibly the biggest question on
          in reply to: Inexpensive DIY conductivity sensor #14497
            Hey happy to contribute where I can.
            My wife and I started a trip in Hamilton with some friends in 1990. Spent 2 months traveling round NZ as part of a round the world trip. 🙂

            I have a fork of Modu

            in reply to: Inexpensive DIY conductivity sensor #14495
              Hi James, great to hear someone else interested. I just got a “relative EC” working nicely and gave them out to be deployed last week.

              The “relative EC” is to be able to meas

              in reply to: Logging Mayfly with Decagon SDI-12 Sensor #14488
                I have come up with an inline  plug-in circuit that will do the voltage shifting ( and  generate a +12V power and ESD protection)  that I’m working on, so just mentioning it here. If anybody
                in reply to: Logging Mayfly with Decagon SDI-12 Sensor #14484
                  Just an FYI,  as I understand the SDI-12 spec, the receiving instrument should receive 3.5V for a ‘0’ or space.   The mayfly port is only capable of supplying 3.3V – so it may wor
                  in reply to: Connectors for 20-pin headers #14475
                    There is a Mayfly Protoshield rev1 – but I can’t find if its for sale anywhere.

                    I have one, and no plans for it right now so if you wanted it I could send it to you.

                    The details are here

                    in reply to: Connectors for 20-pin headers #14472
                      Hi Matt,

                      There is  a Mayfly prototyping board, which I should have used for one project, and forgot to 🙂

                      I’ve prototyped with a basic 2×10 male to male header using wire wrap and solder

                      in reply to: MMW Data Outage? #14466
                        The response is great.

                        For my WiFi/Xbee S6 accelerated updates 2min sampling update every 4minutes the ACK time over 700 POSTS time is between 200mS and  774mS.  All POST succeeding 1st attempt.


                      Viewing 10 posts - 251 through 260 (of 366 total)