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Viewing 10 posts - 271 through 280 (of 366 total)
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  • in reply to: Inexpensive DIY conductivity sensor #14167
      Hi Robert,  I really like your Continuous Logger Post and the installation detail.

      I’d be happy to share what I’m doing, and I’ve just finishing up a ModularSensors class last week

      in reply to: Geographically Scaling Modular Sensors #14100
        Hi Jake

        Good to hear about it. I’d be happy to do a PR on it.

        One of the other areas I believe for scaling for a group is quality testing. For every commercial company I’ve been with, be

        in reply to: Geographically Scaling Modular Sensors #14096
          Hi Jim. Thanks for the description.

          What the ‘ini’ reader does is read a file on the  Mayfly microSD card called ms_cfg.ini – in that file is all the configuration information that

          in reply to: Response code 504 from data.envirodiy.org #14017
            Hi Anthony ~ thanks for the headsup. For today my desk proto system running at 15minutes intervals/WiFi I haven’t seen any timeouts, all 201’s in the last 5hrs

            Matt, sorry to hear the rec

            in reply to: Response code 504 from data.envirodiy.org #14012
              Hi Matt
              You’re doing some good characterization work. Thankyou for sharing it.
              A basic issue to keep in mind is that all communications can be unreliable as there is complex telecoms infrastruct
              in reply to: Response code 504 from data.envirodiy.org #14008
                I’m seeing similar. Out of 15posts at two miuntes apart. the first 6 where 201, and then the rest mixed 504 and 201.
                The site is https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/TU-RC-Test03a/
                The post stru
                in reply to: Inexpensive DIY conductivity sensor #13915
                  Hi Evan, I was wondering how your experiments are going.
                  I was thinking of constructing a ModularSensors class along what you had been talking about.
                  So this follows the
                  in reply to: Trouble initializing XBee3 LTE-M #13841
                    Yes that should work. On processor reset, A5 will need to be setoutput to out and low.
                    Then on setting A5 high AND there is enough power in the LiIon battery the Xbee Radio should come on.
                    It should
                    in reply to: Response code 504 from data.envirodiy.org #13739
                      I’m seeing it as well. It starts of as 201, and then after 10~2 POST starts printing 504. It has been happening from late last week – but is being recorded on MMW. I wasn’t monitori
                      in reply to: Inexpensive DIY conductivity sensor #13613
                        Its a good discussion, and I’m interested in the context of the study of intermittent streams.

                        There are a lot of examples of detecting “water leaks”, that is the physical situatio

                      Viewing 10 posts - 271 through 280 (of 366 total)