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  • in reply to: Systems not recognized from 12th( v0.15.0?) #17742
      Thanks for looking into it.

      I’m in the UK for my Uncle who had a stroke, and I took off very quickly from California,  and not likely to get back before the end of May after his funeral. I hav

      in reply to: Trouble locating information on new LTEBee #17643

        Hope it works  – be fascinating to get an overview of the project when you have time 🙂

        in reply to: Trouble locating information on new LTEBee #17640
          @ckillen sorry to hear about the problems  – I make the assumption that a sub-module can always lockup, and may need a hard reset/power cycle to bring it back. Internal modem software can only
          in reply to: platformio.ini help #17627
            Great @ldecicco  – one area to note with “pio pkg install” is how it becomes part of your build process.  I like to have a
            in reply to: 900 Mhz Point to point and cellular connection. #17624
              @rogers1313 interesting question, and I’ve been mulling over possible solutions as it seems very attractive.

              The area undefined , is power,  cost of the cellular gateway, and reliability of th

              in reply to: platformio.ini help #17616
                @ldecicco congrats on trying the platformio – it has a lot of professional capability, but like anything – getting in a fancy plane(!) there are lots of bells and whistles that can go off.
                in reply to: Modem Characterization #17604
                  The other side of failure is looking at how to  design for system stability.

                  Some components may appear to fail, like modems. However the software of course needs to be robust enough to handle netwo

                  in reply to: 2022 EnviroDIY Hardware Status and Availability #17597
                    @sofija  if you start a topic, perhaps describing what sensors you think you want, and some of the sensing goals, then it would be easier to provide some insights. My first board I used was from a Du
                    in reply to: Grove 4 pin terminal board #17562
                      Hello Mary, gosh you may have to provide more detail of what you are thinking you are doing. The tipping bucket is typically a pulse count – it needs to translate the mechanical tipping bucket t
                      in reply to: Yosemite library cant be found! #17561
                        Hi Cal, great to hear you’ve got your problem solved.

                        Believe me that is part of the process, learning how the libs go together. They can be amazing to pull in,  – but its part of the pr

                      Viewing 10 posts - 61 through 70 (of 366 total)