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Viewing 10 posts - 81 through 90 (of 366 total)
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  • in reply to: DF Robot KIT0139 Level Sensor #17391
      Hello Dave, thanks for sharing.

      I had thought of getting the device, because of the price, so interesting.

      The issues I saw is that it has two sources of analog error and unquantified temperature co

      in reply to: Linking two Mayfly Boards Together #17367
        Hi James, if you have the spare jumper cable sockets you could try it and it probably will work.

        The challenge is the Mayfly doesn’t have a lot of capacitive buffering and the LiIon battery per

        in reply to: SDI-12 sniffer based on Raspberry Pi #17363
          Wow thanks so much for sharing, and no problem with your English.  I’ve been in that situation where its difficult to debug ModularSensors/Mayfly as the software implementation using time loops
          in reply to: Hydros 21 CTD sensor calibration question #17349
            @rogers1313 – its a good “engineering question”. speaking as an electrical engineer and some one that has blogged on understanding traceability,  measurement range, measurement reso
            in reply to: Geographically Scaling Modular Sensors #17335
              (edit : thanks Heather this is post had got stuck) @rogers1313 great to hear your project (from your posts in the (edit : thanks Heather this is post had got stuck) @rogers1313 great to hear your project (from your posts in the https://www.envirodiy.org/topic/mayfly-v1-1-technical-questions-forum-thread/#post-17333)

              – thanks for filing your profile https://www.envirodiy.org/members/rogers1313/profile/

              I’m similar EE/and FirmWare – https://www.envirodiy.org/members/neilh20/profile/ – youre welcome to email me dreictly, but this is also a good place for discussing how to deploy.
              Matt is also deploying for TU https://www.envirodiy.org/members/mbarney/profile/
              This thread may be of interest – I’m targeting my fork for easy deployment and reliable delivery of readings .

              I’m scaling some systems for Tu N California, and documenting some of it through this (but an open source wip).


              For low cell phone service I’m using an android app “Phone Signal” https://inpocketsoftware.com/phone-signal-cell-strength-overview/ for doing a survey.
              A note, IMHO the core https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors works for where there is reliable phone service – excluding some 90% of potential coverage range where the cell signal may be marginal.

              in reply to: Geographically Scaling Modular Sensors #17337
                @rogers1313 Some other links .. I’m trying four links to see if it passes the spam filter ..
                in reply to: Geographically Scaling Modular Sensors #17336
                  @rogers1313 great to hear of your project from the technical questions thread.
                  This thread on scaling may be of interest.
                  I just posted a lot of links for scaling systems, and I forgot that env
                  in reply to: Mayfly v1.1 technical questions forum thread #17325
                    @rogers1313 my systems only have the Yellow led ON when actually charging. If the battery is charged, not charginng then it is OFF. The description in “Section S”, beneath the pics https
                    in reply to: Mayfly v1.1 technical questions forum thread #17298
                      For the battery, seems to me there are two engineering approaches, specification and characterization.
                      For the specified battery 4400mAh https://www.adafruit.com/product/354
                      which has a listed data s
                      in reply to: LTEBee on Verizon? #17280
                        @mbarney, thanks for the settings.   What was the sim supplier that you used – a Verizon direct, or an MNVO like REVX.

                        I did get an email earlier this week from SimCom that there 7080G was no

                      Viewing 10 posts - 81 through 90 (of 366 total)