Ole replied to the topic Xbee Power in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years ago
Thanks for the information. After running a few more tests I appear to be getting the range I was expecting – about 800 ft across a lake.
Ole started the topic Xbee Power in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years ago
I have an Xbee Pro S1 connected to my Mayfly.
How many mA are available on the Mayfly pin?
I believe this unit needs 210 mA to transmit at full power.
Currently I am not getting good range between it and the receiver.Any information I could get would be helpful.
Ole replied to the topic RTC Interrupt in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 9 years ago
Thanks for the info.
I’ll look into that for sure.Would it be possible to cut the trace between them and run a jumper to D10?
Ole started the topic RTC Interrupt in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 9 years ago
I just got my Mayfly yesterday and totally love it so far.
I’m trying to use the interrupt from the clock to control an event but I have not been successful in detecting the interrupt.I’ve been using the “interrupts” example from the Sodaq_DS3231.h library but it isn’t working.
Looking at the Mayfly schematic, it appears the interrupt output…[Read more] -
Ole became a registered member 9 years ago