quiqueapolo replied to the topic SDI-12 Library in the forum Other Data Loggers 4 years, 9 months ago
Hi again Sara:
I deleted the lines that you say in previous comment. However, the problem do not have solution.
Thanks in advance
quiqueapolo replied to the topic SDI-12 Library in the forum Other Data Loggers 4 years, 9 months ago
Hi Sara:
Thank you for your quickly answer. However, when I tried to compile the code several errors were shown (see images attached).
Regards, Enrique
quiqueapolo replied to the topic SDI-12 Library in the forum Other Data Loggers 4 years, 10 months ago
I achieve to reduce the time to 8 seconds (see the code attached). I am storing the data in a Micro SD Card. The sensors will be powered continuously. I am using an Arduino UNO board. I am interesting in take on discrete reading from each sensor. In the code I also include a Melexis infrared thermometers.
Regards, Enrique
quiqueapolo replied to the topic SDI-12 Library in the forum Other Data Loggers 4 years, 10 months ago
Could you tell me the lines I need to rewrite to read only my adress. I have 8 sensors with adress from 0 to 7.
quiqueapolo started the topic SDI-12 Library in the forum Other Data Loggers 4 years, 10 months ago
I am using this library SDI12. I’m trying to read SRS sensor from Decagon. The code used is the provided in the example codes call “d_simple_logger.ino”. The code works well and I can read all the sensors. However, the time to read all the sensors is too high. Due to the code takes 3-4 seconds for reading each sensors. I have 8 sensors…[Read more]
quiqueapolo became a registered member 7 years, 6 months ago