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Thank you for the useful advice. I grounded the Mayfly to the 12v battery ground and voila! The RDO is reading perfectly. Never would have thought of that one so you saved me a ton of time. Thanks!!!!
I was able to get it to work correctly. The only thing I changed was removal of the UUIDs for all of the variable pointers. I also moved the voltage pin so D7 was getting 5v instead of 3.3. I don’t know if that was what caused the initial error but it’s working now.
I am able to retrieve values from my Decagon ES2 sensor, but only temperature. Conductivity comes back with a value of 0.0. When I hook it up to a Campbell Scientific CR1000 logger, both conductivity and temperature come back with reasonable values. In fact, temperature is the same using the CR1000 as it is the Mayfly. I’m using the pre-programmed code for the Decagon from modular-sensors (see below). Any idea why the second location in the SDI array is returning but not the first?
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627// ==========================================================================// Decagon ES2 Conductivity and Temperature Sensor// ==========================================================================#include <sensors/DecagonES2.h>const char* ES2SDI12address = "1"; // The SDI-12 Address of the ES2const int8_t ES2Power = sensorPowerPin; // Power pin (-1 if unconnected)const int8_t ES2Data = 7; // The SDI12 data pinconst uint8_t ES2NumberReadings = 5;// Create a Decagon ES2 sensor objectDecagonES2 es2(*ES2SDI12address, ES2Power, ES2Data, ES2NumberReadings);// ==========================================================================// Creating the Variable Array[s] and Filling with Variable Objects// ==========================================================================/** Start [variable_arrays] */Variable* variableList[] = {new ProcessorStats_SampleNumber(&mcuBoard),new ProcessorStats_FreeRam(&mcuBoard),new ProcessorStats_Battery(&mcuBoard),new MaximDS3231_Temp(&ds3231),new InSituRDO_DOpct(&insituRDO, "12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890aa"),new InSituRDO_DOmgL(&insituRDO, "12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ae"),new InSituRDO_Temp(&insituRDO,"12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ac"),new InSituRDO_Pressure(&insituRDO, "12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ad"),new DecagonES2_Cond(&es2),new DecagonES2_Temp(&es2)Thanks for the input. I got it figured out. It’s a pretty sweet arrangement that will make life easier for data collection. As @neilh indicated, the Mayfly logger, bluetooth HM-10, battery, and all wires will be in a waterproof box above the water with the sensors in the water below secured to channel iron or some other rod. There’s an app called Bluetooth Commander for iOS that allows for data transfer right to your phone. Works pretty slick.