Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Using Xbee Cellular Modem with ThingSpeak in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 5 months ago
You shouldn’t have to use XCTU for anything, the modem setup part of the sketch programs the Digi module with whatever settings are necessary, based on what you’re trying to do in the sketch. You’re able to connect to the internet, otherwise the clock syncing function wouldn’t say that your RTC is on time, so I’m guessing your issue is with…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Quantum Sensor in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 5 months ago
With such a small max signal of 200 mV, you’d definitely want to use the ADS1115. The default ADC range has a resolution of 0.1875 mV/bit, which is pretty coarse so you’d want to use a higher gain setting like 8 or 16. At gain 16, there’s a max input of 256 mV, and a resolution of 0.0078125 mV/bit. Just be sure the ADC input doesn’t see any…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Quantum Sensor in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 5 months ago
The Mayfly can only read analog signals from 0 volts to 3.3 volts, so you’re not going to be able to read something that puts out 5 volts. But from what I can tell about that sensor from a brief look at the manual, it only outputs a maximum voltage of 10mv. You’re supposed to use it with a separate amplifier if you want to be able to read it w…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Help Please: MaxBotix Sonar MB7386 not creating data on SD card in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years, 5 months ago
Are you at least getting the ultrasonic sensor data to be stored on the microSD memory card but not on the website, or are you not getting any data from the ultrasonic sensor, even in the serial string that gets printed to the serial monitor after every reading?
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Invalid and non-unique UUID in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 6 months ago
You can ignore the warnings to the serial monitor about the UUIDs if you never intend to send data to MMW. The warnings are just there to help people in case they were using the generic ones when they didn’t intend to. But since that’s what you want to do, it’s okay to ignore the warning.
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Invalid and non-unique UUID in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 6 months ago
When you register a site on Monitor My Watershed you can set it up with various sensor parameters, and once you’ve got all of them entered on the website, you click the “View Token UUID List” button at the top of your site page and you’ll get a list of all the UUIDs in the exact format and order in which you need to paste them into your sketch. …[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic 502 Bad Gateway on MMW in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years, 6 months ago
Yes, the server was restarted this morning and service returned to normal, however all stations will be missing about 11 hours of data from earlier today.
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic 502 Bad Gateway on MMW in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years, 6 months ago
Yes, we’re aware of if and the data team has been notified. No estimate on when it will be back up yet.
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Gen 2 Hydros 21 CTD and ModularSensors? in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years, 6 months ago
There was a very small adjustment made several months ago to the delay time between commands to make communication with the Meter Group Gen 2 CTD sensor a little more reliable. I don’t remember the exact date, but the latest release of ModularSensors definitely works with them.
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Mayfly with Xbee MTech mDot LoRa module in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 6 months ago
I’m not familiar with that module, but the specs say that its default baud rate is 115200, so you should set your “modemBaud” rate in the sketch to match that, so something like:
const int32_t modemBaud = 115200;
Was that the value you changed in your sketch? Because it’s set at 9600 in the example you attached. Have you successfully c…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Mayfly Availability in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 6 months ago
The current estimate is that we’ll receive a big shipment in about a month, so early August we’ll be able to restock the shop and Amazon. The worsening electronics supply shortage caused me to have to make some changes to the Mayfly design based on component availability, and that delayed the fabrication of new boards until we could fully test…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic XBee-3 LTE Availability? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 6 months ago
The entire electronics industry is facing growing supply issues that started last year. I’ve been aware of the issue since early this year and started planning accordingly, so we shouldn’t have any supply issues with our custom EnviroDIY products. But industry experts and suppliers are saying that components and products from companies like D…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic InSitu RDO PRO-X not reading in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years, 6 months ago
I successfully used that sensor with a Mayfly v0.5 board with no problem. If you’re powering the sensor with a separate 12v battery, do the Mayfly and the 12v battery share a common ground? The white wire from the sensor is the SDI-12 data line, which should go to pin 7 , as you stated in Line 93. It’s fine to use a separate battery to pr…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 7 months ago
I’d have to see the rest of your sketch to know what you’re trying to accomplish with the 5v output. If you put the CTD sensor on the D4-5 jack, and move the jumper to constant 3.3v, then the SDI12 power pin part of the code doesn’t really matter, but that kind of stuff gets declared early in sketch, usually in the setup function. The bigger p…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Hydros-21 Depth Temp Compensation in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years, 7 months ago
The Hydros-21 sensor already does internal temperature compensation of the depth data, so you shouldn’t have to provide your own compensation. The sensor outputs the depth readings in millimeters of water above the sensor, so you don’t even have access to the raw pressure readings like you might with a basic pressure transducer, so you’d have to…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic How to get a 5V signal out based on a sensor reading in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 7 months ago
What’s the duration of the 5v signal you want to generate? And how much current does the 5v actuator draw? Pin D22 controls the switched 3.3v and 5v outputs together, so there’s no way to separate the two. However, a Hydros-21 CTD sensor uses very little current when it’s constantly powered, so you could plug the CTD into the D4-5 Grove ja…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Logging Mayfly with Decagon SDI-12 Sensor in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 7 months ago
I’d need to see the rest of your sketch to make sure everything else is set up correctly for reading the sensor properly. Can you post your entire sketch, and tell me what version of the Modular Sensors library you’re using, and when you downloaded the other recommended supporting libraries like the EnviroDIY_SDI12 library?
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Hydros 21 CTD – Losing connection? [SOLVED] in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years, 7 months ago
Does your Modbus wingshield do any level shifting of the CTD’s SDI-12 data line? Is there anything on the wingshield tied to whatever Mayfly pin you’re using for the data line (I’m assuming D7)?
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Purchasing individual parts from starter kit in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years, 7 months ago
We sell a 5-pack of the vertical microSD card adapter in our online shop: https://www.envirodiy.org/product/envirodiy-vertical-microsd-card-adapter-pack-of-5/
We only ship to US address though, so you’ll have to figure out a mail forwarding service for Canada.
That said, there’s already an onboard microSD card socket on every Mayfly that does…[Read more]
Shannon Hicks replied to the topic Atlas Scientific Sensors and Carrier Board Compatibility in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 3 years, 7 months ago
The EnviroDIY Mayfly Data Logger board is unlike standard Arduino boards (like the Uno) in so many ways that there was no easy way to use the regular Arduino board pinouts on the Mayfly. So that means accessory boards that are meant to plug into a standard Arduino board will not work. I’m not familiar with the isolator boards used with Atlas S…[Read more]
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