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Shannon Hicks

  • We are excited to introduce our new custom Arduino-based datalogger board, the EnviroDIY Mayfly Logger.  It has a combination of features and capabilities that make it one of the most powerful and flexible logger […]

    • This is great news. I have just started an investigation into low cost and/or open source data loggers, partly in anticipation of a rolling program of hydrology data logger replacement and partly to promote / aid in citizen science and crowd sourced environmental data gathering. Very much looking forward to hearing more about this and hopefully getting to experiment a bit with it in 2016.

    • I agree with the previous post in that this is great news.  I hope it is such that newbies can learn and implement in short order.  I have long thought a basic logger capable of  operating and recording water levels utilizing  an ADC and current loop 4-20 mA transducers would be well received.  I know I would like to be able to work with something on this line.


      Most commercial options are far more complicated than necessary and far too expensive to allow for routine upgrade/replacement.

    • Nice to see. The adc seems to have a low Vref voltage drift – though needs to be calculated over the temperature of interest. For a 4-20mA need to be able to generate/switch ~15V to supply the sensor.

      Should fit nicely with arduino. I’m wondering if there would be any interest in a instrument interface being  RS485 with 12V and python for processing the serial stream? Seems like 20mA is a basic standard that is open by its simplicity,  but if only there was something that could do the RS485.

    • I’m not sure if the questions regarding the 4-20mA circuit would be sufficed by something like this?

      4-20mA Brick

      Very good info on using RS-485 with arduino platforms is located here:

      Nick Gammon RS-485

    • I’ve also been experimenting with the SODAQ Mbili, so really interested in the Mayfly.  How can we get hold on one (or more) ?

    • Here’s an update for everyone wondering about the board availability. We went through one more round of design updates to add some extra features like an onboard FTDI-USB chip and a 5-volt boost regulator to generate 5v for any sensors or devices you want to power. The final Mayfly production run should be ready for purchase at an online retailer in about a month from now (early March). More updates will follow soon.

    • Good news – the boards finally arrived a few days ago, I’m now working on getting everything ready for the online sales, details to follow shortly!

  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 9 years, 2 months ago

    There are several different ways to trigger an ISCO sampler with an external source.  We’ve found a few ways to do it with our Arduino-based loggers, it shouldn’t be too hard to program a Campbell logger to do the same.  One way is to connect your logger to one of the 3 Programmable I/O pins on the ISCO’s rain gauge connector.  By doing this, yo…[Read more]

  • FWIW, in the past I’ve had a few times where the DS1307 clock on the Adafruit shield would reset to some random time in the past or sometimes even in the future. If I remember right, I think it usually happened whenever I was trying something new with the hardware, so I just assumed it was sensitive to shorts or other weird electrical gremlins.…[Read more]

  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 9 years, 4 months ago

    I’ve had loggers out for several very cold winters now, and I haven’t had any issues with the LiPo batteries due to cold temperatures. The only times I’ve had problems was using them in clear enclosures during the summer because the inside of the case turns into a mini-greenhouse and heats up the batteries (and the logger boards), resulting in…[Read more]

  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 9 years, 6 months ago

    Our Github site is already active, you can see it here: https://github.com/StroudCenter

    But I haven’t written up a tutorial for this sensor display project yet. If you’re good with code and the LCD hardware, take a look at the SDI-12 library examples and you should be able to replicate it pretty easily.

  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 9 years, 8 months ago

    The ADS1015 ADC has a programmable gain so I since I was looking at signals I knew were below 2v, I used the GAIN_TWO setting to give me a range of +/-2.048V. You can select anything from a gain of two-thirds to 16, which is a range of around 6v (but realistically Vcc of 5v for an Uno) down to 0.25v.

    For accuracy, the error is supposedly less…[Read more]

  • A few months ago I was asked by a researcher here at the Stroud Water Research Center to come up with an automated way to measure the voltage of 8 fuel cells.  The cells need to be electrically isolated from each […]

    • Hey nice article. Thanks for posting.
      I’m curious – what sort of target voltages where you measuring and what measurement accuracy where you looking for? and over what temperature range. ?

      • The ADS1015 ADC has a programmable gain so I since I was looking at signals I knew were below 2v, I used the GAIN_TWO setting to give me a range of +/-2.048V. You can select anything from a gain of two-thirds to 16, which is a range of around 6v (but realistically Vcc of 5v for an Uno) down to 0.25v.

        For accuracy, the error is supposedly less than one LSB and very stable across the -40 to 120 degree operating range. Years ago I found that the Arduino’s on-board ADC is horribly inaccurate during either extremely hot or cold temperatures in the dataloggers we deployed outside, so we started using the ADS1015 in all of our loggers and have been extremely happy with their performance.

    • Nice – The ADS1015 handles a lot.
      A lot of onboard ADCs need careful looking at – they are improving.
      Numbers need confidence/traceability analysis, the errors typically need all adding, the Vref error, temperature drift error across temperature range, the ADC error, and then any external circuitry – so that was why I was curious as to how you were checking it out.
      I’m on the Nerds4Natrure.org Maker Fair San Mateo May15 and going to be showing/discussing errors and traceability for depth measuring sensors


  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 9 years, 10 months ago

    If you’re using the DS3231 library, you can use the following code:

    DateTime now = RTC.now(); //get the current date-time
    currentepochtime = (now.get()); //seconds since 1/1/2000

    Look at the “now” example that comes with the DS3231 library to see the whole sketch.

  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 9 years, 11 months ago

    What kind of pressure sensor are you using? You can usually get temperature-compensated ones for only a slightly higher cost than non-compensated ones.

  • I will be assembling a couple of Ultrasonic loggers with a colleague in a few weeks and we will document the process and post it on this site. However, we’ll be using the Seeeduino Stalker v2.3 board, so you’d have to modify the plans if you use a different board, or if you’re lucky you might be able to find a spare v2.3 board somewhere online.

  • The Seeeduino Stalker boards are handy because they are one of the few options on the market that have everything you need for a standalone, radio-reporting, solar-powered datalogger. I have been using them for about 4 years now, starting with a dozen of the v2.0 boards in 2011. They were okay, but there were issues with the supercapacitors used…[Read more]

  • Tom, I checked out that new sensor, the I2C interface from Maxbotix is a new feature, it might be handy, but I think the serial output is just as easy to use. My main concern is that the 7040 model is kind of a general purpose rangefinder used for object detection, usually indoors. In the datasheet, it warns that different target sizes will…[Read more]

  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 9 years, 11 months ago

    This is a good topic for the Q&A forums. Start a thread over there and we can continue the discussion there.

  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 9 years, 11 months ago

    That sensor may not be the best option for you, head over to the Sensor forum, start a thread there and I’ll elaborate.

  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 9 years, 11 months ago

    Sam, that’s a really good question, ask it over in the “Dataloggers” forum and I’ll answer it there so other people can find these discussions more easily.

  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 9 years, 12 months ago

    I have dozens of Seeeduino Stalker v2.3 boards, and we have been using them for a few years now. But they were discontinued last fall and replaced with the new v3.0 model. We will not be using the v3.0 version, for a variety of reasons, so we are currently testing and evaluating other board options. The Fio is only handy because it has an Xbee…[Read more]

  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 10 years ago

    We’ve had really good results with the Decagon CTD sensor. It provides water depth, temperature, and conductivity, all for less than $500. It has a depth range of up to 10 meters and has a resolution of 1 millimeter. It provides data output in either SDI-12 or serial output, both of which can interface nicely with our loggers.

    • Hi Shannon,

      I’m wondering if you have an opinion about the minimum depth a CTD reliably works in. I need to measure depth in a small custom made flume and the water depth is rarely above 1 cm. I’ve used CTDs in bigger streams. Thanks.

  • Shannon Hicks posted a new activity comment 10 years ago

    That photo was from a temporary test setup, so I don’t have more pictures. I moved the PVC pipe to a more secure mounting to survive higher flows. The ultrasonic sensors, along with all of our other sensors and logger circuitry, are performing perfectly this winter, even with air temperatures below 0 degrees C a few times. I’m still running a…[Read more]

  • We will post the Arduino code on our Github site soon along with a simple block diagram of the wiring. I could also do a tutorial on the hardware assembly, but it’s actually quite simple. I will update this post […]

  • Shannon Hicks wrote a new post 10 years ago

    Real Time Clock (RTC) modules like the DS3231 chip (found on the ChronoDot and Seeeduino Stalker v2.3) keep track of the date and time for a datalogger circuit.  The module can output the number of seconds since […]

    • How do I convince a DS3231 to output seconds since 1/1/2000? I can’t find anything in the DS3231 data sheet describing such a function.

      • If you’re using the DS3231 library, you can use the following code:

        DateTime now = RTC.now(); //get the current date-time
        currentepochtime = (now.get()); //seconds since 1/1/2000

        Look at the “now” example that comes with the DS3231 library to see the whole sketch.

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