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  • Shannon Hicks wrote a new post 11 years ago

    We have been using submersible pressure transducers for water level measurements for many years, but some of our installations are in areas with very shallow water that might freeze during the winter.  Most […]

    • Show all comments (25)
    • Hello,

      Since the Seeeduino is discontinued and the Mayfly is not available in Estonia, do you happen have any recommendations on a replacement that is available in Europe. What was the approximate running time of your setup? How long would your battery setup last in northern temperate zone with winter temperatures down to -20 C. If you would dump the communications? Would using the Arduino mini pro make a difference? Do you have any experience?

    • We have been field-testing various configurations of the ultrasonic station and wanted to be sure we had the best design before publishing the instructions. Some colleagues and I are having a build session later this week where we will be assembling several Mayfly ultrasonic sensor stations, and our goal is to make a tutorial out of the photos and notes they take, so something should be posted soon after that.

    • I am interested in constructing several of these depth sensors and deploying them in runoff detention ponds at cattle feeding facilities. I was wondering if you had a recommendation for a different board that has the same capabilities as the Seeeduino Stalker v2.3?

      Thanks is advance,


    • Booka replied 7 years ago

      Hi Shannon,

      If you still have it, could you please share the code that you used for this project?? I have a spare Seeeduino Stalker laying around and it would be great to put it to use, but I am not the most talented with coding. Thanks

    • I would have thought that the beam width of the sensor is too wide to put in a pipe. How long is the pipe you are using and did you have problems with longer lengths? Nice work and thanks for posting this.

      • No, the beam width is very narrow on the models we use, so it doesn’t have a problem in pipes that are 4 or 6 inches in diameter. I experimented a lot with different diameters of pipes and different lengths until I found the right combination that worked for us. Later Maxbotix published this page which nicely summarizes the same findings I got. https://www.maxbotix.com/Tutorials/124.htm
        Basically, use a continuous piece, no corrugations, seams, or obstructions along the sides (like condensation and spider webs).