James_NZ started the topic Please Help! Meter CTD Gen2 being blocked by Yosemitech 511-a in the forum Environmental Sensors 2 years ago
Hi everyone,
This problem has been causing me trouble for nearly a year, but it has become unworkable with installation of Gen2 Meter CTD sensors.
My problem: Meter CTD (SDI12) and Yosemitech 511-a Turbidity (MODBUS) sensors seem to interfere with each other causing the CTD to sporadically drop out return -9999 values. This only occurred at some…[Read more]
Dave Bressler replied to the topic MayFly Data Logger During Winter in the forum Monitor My Watershed 2 years ago
If you sensor is in water that is deep enough so that ice doesn’t form around the sensor itself then you should be ok. If ice forms around a sensor itself that can be a problem. The Meter Group Hydros21 CTD sensors have pressure transducers that can break if ice forms around the sensor. The new model CTD seems to have a pressure transducer th…[Read more]
dan@wachusett replied to the topic LTEBee on Verizon? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years ago
@shicks, has anyone from Stroud contacted Verizon about this? I am also hitting a wall with adding the LTEBee modem to our Verizon account. The rep from Verizon that we work with is willing to speak with the device manufacturer to get them added to the Device Management Database. How do the LTEBee modems differ from the Digi modems such that…[Read more]
James_NZ replied to the topic Linking two Mayfly Boards Together in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 years ago
Hi @shicks (and thanks @neilh20),
Thanks for that. I am using a Yosemitech Y511-A with a Hydros CTD (Gen 1). My code is fairly similar to yours. I notice that you use pin 22 to power the Y511 (line 145) where I have ‘-1’. I also don’t see the line ‘<span class=”crayon-i”>AltSoftSerial</span> <span cla…[Read more]
James B replied to the topic LTEBee on Verizon? in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
@mbarney, do you know if the REVX plan/sim card you had success with is the CATM version (50mb for $5) or the 4G version (10 mb for &12)? With the new modems I have not been able to register on the network (cereg 0,3) using the 4G plan and sim that worked for a couple years with the old xbee modem.
@shicks, RevX systems technical support has…[Read more]
Matt Barney started the topic Abnormally high battery voltage in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
We have 2 stations we’ve recently deployed which are reporting ~7.5 volts during the day and 4.2V at night (graphs attached).
I suspect that the solar cable was accidentally plugged into one of the LIPO BATT ports (with the battery is plugged into the other LIPO BATT port). They’ll get that corrected asap, but I want to ask @shicks: Would this…[Read more]
EMayerRHA replied to the topic Data Uploading but not Publishing in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
What was the solution to the problem? We are having trouble with our location dot still being gray. It is clearly collecting data but is not displaying the numbers below the graph under last observation . @shicks
Jim Moore replied to the topic Mayfly v1.1 technical questions forum thread in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
@shicks. I tested the converters you recommended and they appear to work as expected:
dropout voltage is 8 Volts and will support input voltage to 31.5 V (max on my bench PS).
No load draw is 3.64 mA at 12 V and 2.83 mA at 31.5 V.
A lower cost option is a three terminal non-isolated converter at $2.76 ea vs $12 for the PlusRoc.
Jim Moore replied to the topic Mayfly v1.1 technical questions forum thread in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Hi @shicks I got my 5 pack of the v1.1 boards today and I noticed that:
- Removed External/Lipo slide switch since it’s no longer needed
Does that mean I can no longer power the Mayfly from a 12 V supply? I have an application for water sampling and the pumps run on 12V and they are controlled by the Mayfly so I can power the whole system wit…[Read more]
Dave Bressler replied to the topic TSV Graph Scale Issue in the forum Monitor My Watershed 3 years ago
@jlemontu-org, yes as @shicks pointed out you or your colleague can follow up on this on ODM2DataSharingPortal Github issues page.
This is a known issue and I did already post to github about it, but if you want to add more info you can go to that post: https://github.com/ODM2/ODM2DataSharingPortal/issues/551
James_NZ replied to the topic Hydros CTD-10 Regularly Dropping Out (-9999) in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years ago
@shicks, thanks for your help anyway Shannon. @aufdenkampe, any insight on the code above would be greatly appreciated.
@neilh20, yes all setups are the same. Some work fine, others have issues with dropping out. I have spare Mayflies and a spare CTD, but no spare turbidity sensor. Did you ever end up producing your Mayfly wings for the 0.5…[Read more]
James_NZ replied to the topic Hydros CTD-10 Regularly Dropping Out (-9999) in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years ago
Hi @shicks. I’m just wondering if you saw anything in the code above that might be causing this problem?
James_NZ replied to the topic Hydros CTD-10 Regularly Dropping Out (-9999) in the forum Environmental Sensors 3 years ago
I’m leaning more towards an interaction with the MODBUS wing. I had one station that produced -9999’s constantly when the Turbidity sensor was plugged in, and operated fine when I removed the MODBUS wing. This drove me nuts until Anthony pointed me towards the complex loop code where I set the Turbidity sensor to low a…[Read more]
Jim Moore replied to the topic Errors compiling DRWI_SIM7080LTE.ino code in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Zeke Holloman started the topic Mayfly I2C Address in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Hi there! Does the Mayfly have an I2C address associated with it? I’m trying to use Wire.h to transmit data between two Mayflys. If it does, where could I find it, for both the 0.5b and the 1.0. Thank you!
neilh20 started the topic Mayfly 1.0 Qu in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
@shicks just wondering what the expected standard charge is for the Mayfly 1.0
I’m seeing via a USB Meter that with a USB-C charger that delivers 5.0V (and 2A capable) with a 4.4A LiIon battery at 3.8V that it is only charged 0.13-0.2A. Previously Mayfly 0.5 this was the expected 0.5A
Digging deeper into the BQ24074
“Input-based dynamic po…[Read more]
neilh20 replied to the topic RS485 Schematic in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
@shicks just wondering if the RS485 schematic is likely to be published, and of course if the parts are likely to be available. Many thanks.
neilh20 started the topic RS485 Schematic in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
HI @shicks, just wondering could you post the schematic/parts on the “RS-485 Half-shield”
https://www.envirodiy.org/product/envirodiy-rs-485-half-shield-pack-of-5/ Says “Product expected to be in stock and ready for purchase in mid-October.”
Do you have any availability on it, and also when there might be a working +12V boost ~ very broadly Q2…[Read more]
Matt Barney replied to the topic Voltage divider on multipurpose screw adapter in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
After probing the screw term adapter, I don’t think that it will work for my purposes as I described above. If I’m correct, the way the adapter’s voltage divider works is this: When the S1 jumper is set to Res-Div and two matched resistors are installed on the S1 side of the adapter, the voltage output on the Grove’s D1 pin will be half of the…[Read more]
Zeke Holloman replied to the topic Connecting SIM7080 to New Thingspeak in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Hi all! Thank you for all of your feedback and tips! I spent some time this week looking at the mqtt3.thingspeak.com server and I was able to get a channel up and running on it.
Overall, it’s not drastically different than mqtt.thingspeak.com. The main aspect being removed in the legacy Thingspeak server is the API…[Read more]
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