Zeke Holloman started the topic Connecting SIM7080 to New Thingspeak in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
@neilh @shicks @vogelrnws
Hi there! I recently received an email from Thingspeak stating that they are planning on shutting down their legacy Thingspeak server this month. I’m working to convert my Thingspeak channels over to from mqtt.thingspeak.com to mqtt3.thingspeak.com.
I’m using a Mayfly v1.0 alongside you all’s SIM7080 card. It publishs…[Read more]
Zeke Holloman replied to the topic Trouble locating information on new LTEBee in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
@shicks Aaaah, sorry to hear that. Hopefully the fix won’t be too bad.
Thanks for posting that code so quickly! I didn’t have time to look at it until today. I had an older version of Modular Sensors downloaded and so I tried running it with the code you sent and with a few edits in order to get it logging to thingspeak, it was practically plug…[Read more]
Zeke Holloman started the topic Trouble locating information on new LTEBee in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Zeke Holloman replied to the topic USB to UART Mayfly, Serial Ports Not Connecting in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Hey @shicks. Thanks for the lightning fast response.
That worked! Just had to download it from the link you sent.
Really excited to start working with the v1.0! Thank you all for your great hardware, communication, documentation, and quick responses!
Zeke Holloman started the topic USB to UART Mayfly, Serial Ports Not Connecting in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Hi there! I recently purchased some Mayfly v1.0’s and was working to get them set up. I’m using Atom, alongside PlatformIO.
I’m trying to get some basic Hello world code running on the Mayfly, but I’m having some issues connecting to them, specifically connecting to the serial ports. The –port selection is blank, and highlighted blue (Pictures…[Read more]
neilh20 commented on the post, New Mayfly Data Logger and Accessories 3 years ago
@Shannon Hicks – I wonder could you provide a technical list of target/designed functional specs and what is tested and what hasn’t. Its pretty standard to be transparent for a new product, and to list the issues […]
neilh20 started the topic JTAG on Mayfly in the forum Miscellaneous 3 years ago
Has anybody seen a Mayfly freeze or got any thoughts on debugging it when frozen, or used the JTAG/Mayfly.
I’ve got an occurrence of a Mayfly frozen, and its about the 4th captured occurrence of it.
In each of the 4 cases I’ve had the FTDI connector on it, with the terminal capture program providing a time stamp, and latest is:[2021-10-13…[Read more]
neilh20 replied to the topic How Do I Order The New Mayfly Monitor from Shop in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 3 years ago
Always a lot of work getting a new revision out and running compatibility tests. I always admired the way
Paul Stoffregen of PRJC created a fishbowl for the releases, one I remember with the Teensy had a process of managing/advertising the release and being clear about it being in beta https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/27689-Teensy-LC-Beta-Testing -
neilh20 replied to the topic Mayfly Availability in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years ago
Hello @shicks. Just wondering if you can give any insight as to the process, when you think you might be able to tell us about what the new revision looks like, or possibly any visibility on when it might be available, and the process gates you are going through. I realize some times this is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string, and h…[Read more]
Zeke Holloman started the topic Using Xbee Cellular Modem with ThingSpeak in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years ago
Hi all! I’m working on developing a water monitoring station using a Mayfly board, an Xbee cellular modem (XBC LTE-M/NB-IoT Global), the LTEBee adapter, a solar panel, and a Hydros-21 sensor. I saw that you all had already written some Arduino code for logging to ThingSpeak, so I’m using that. I had some issues getting the modem to connect to the…[Read more]
Vinay Ayala started the topic Help Please: MaxBotix Sonar MB7386 not creating data on SD card in the forum Environmental Sensors 4 years ago
I finally connected to MMWS and my mayfly data logger is sending data continuously to MMWS. Thank you @Shicks for your guidance. Now I am trying to connect the MaxBotix utrasonic sensor MB 7386. I compiled the code there is internet connection but no data is logged from this sensor. When I run below code I am getting “Bad or Suspicious…[Read more]
James_NZ replied to the topic Testing TTL-RS485 Adapters in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years ago
Hi @shicks. Thank you. I was considering pogo pins. I assume you just solder them in and push the adapter board down to test? I guess I could also solder female headers into the wingshield holes and males into the adapter boards. This would allow me to test each adapter board on one rig, and I could just solder the male headers into new wing…[Read more]
fisherba replied to the topic HYDROS 21 no longer vented… any idea when this changed? in the forum Environmental Sensors 4 years ago
@shicks have you read their current product specs? Don’t take my word for it.
James_NZ replied to the topic Hydros-21 Depth Temp Compensation in the forum Environmental Sensors 4 years ago
Thanks @shicks, great to know. Would you recommend that I push back on them for Gen-2 sensors, even if they take a bit longer to get here? It seems silly to rush things through and end up with an inferior sensor.
neilh20 replied to the topic SDI-12 level shifting in the forum Environmental Sensors 4 years ago
Hello @shicks ~ I’m just following up on this as I’m respinning my Modbus Board https://github.com/neilh10/SensorModbusMaster/blob/release1/hardware/knh002-MayflyWingShield/rev6/knh002r6_rs485schematic.pdf
to have a SDI-12 interface, and your board got me thinking .
The Mayfly socket has +5V and +3.3V and the board can have the boosted +12…[Read more]
neilh20 replied to the topic SDI-12 level shifting in the forum Environmental Sensors 4 years ago
Hello @shicks thanks for the response. I was thinking partly of the SDI-12 specification modules driving 5V back into the 3.3V ports. The Insitu LT500 that I’ve been using does respond to Mayfly driving it on 3.3V, but then drives back SDI12 specified 5V which has to be mitigated.
Do you see any issues with the level shifter and the port…[Read more]
James_NZ replied to the topic Solar Panels for Mayfly in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 4 years ago
Thanks @shicks. COVID has meant that not everything is available at my end of the world, so I need to compromise sometimes!
James_NZ replied to the topic Problems with OBS3+ in the forum Environmental Sensors 4 years ago
Hi @shicks. I need a number of turbidity sensors for an upcoming project, and I have a reasonable quote from Yosemitech (~510USD each). What additional interface hardware are you referring to for the Yosemitech probes? Has anyone tested them and can vouch for their accuracy?
James_NZ replied to the topic Bizarre eTape Sensor Behaviour in the forum Environmental Sensors 4 years ago
Hi everyone,
Just a quick update. The 100k voltage divider worked perfectly. My new voltage water level relationship is below.
Thanks again for your help @shicks.
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Matt Barney replied to the topic Testing power consumption in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 4 years ago
@shicks The previous thread about I2C power that I’m aware of was when I learned that the jumper on the I2C grove port needs to remain in the constantly-powered position, otherwise the Wire library crashes, at least with certain sensors, including the Turner.
I *think* my Mayfly is sleeping: All LEDs switch off, if that means anything. If I…[Read more]
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