Sara Damiano replied to the topic Debug flags for modem comms in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
@shicks came over to my office yesterday with a pile of LTE XBee3’s that will no longer connect to the internet. We’re going to buy some alternative types of modems to see if any of them are any better.
Matt Barney replied to the topic Depth measurement using MaxSonar in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Hi Neil, thanks so much – the detail is appreciated! I need to check with our hydrology staff to learn their accuracy requirements. To date, our Mayfly deployments have used the CTD-10 from Meter, but we have a new site where we’re only interested in depth, and the MaxSonar would be a cost savings over the CTD-10 in that case. However, I’m…[Read more]
Randy Metzger posted an update 5 years ago
@shicks Shannon, I am new to the site. I am working on a monitoring project with a local non-profit studying acid mine drainage in the Schuylkill River and tribs. As I do not have any programming experience, I was wondering if there is a kit that is all inclusive with probes to purchase somewhere? Even if I need to program it I could work on…[Read more]
Rachana started the topic Analog-to- Digital Converter Port on Mayfly Data Logger in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years ago
Hello @shicks,
I am trying to connect the OBS 3+ of Campbell Scientific(turbidity sensor) to the Mayfly Data Logger using the ‘Auxiliary 16-bit, 4-channel Analog-to-Digital Converter’ port.
Mayfly board has been powered up by connecting it to a PC via USB. It receives 5V external input when connected to ‘LiPo battery connector’ port. But when…[Read more]
dan@wachusett posted an update 6 years ago
Thanks for your help troubleshooting. Our Mayfly successfully logged data from the Hydros21 over the weekend. Next we will activate the SIM card and upload the sketch to send data to the Data Sharing Portal. Overall the instruction manual was fairly accurate and got me through most of the steps to program the Mayfly very easily. Other…[Read more]
Gera posted an update 6 years ago
@shicks Hello Ms. Hicks, I hope everything is well on your behalf,
So at the moment I am trying to store data in a SD card, the SD card I am using is the one that came with the mayfly kit and I was trying to test out the simple file example code that the Envirodiy website has. When I try to compile it, it says that the next three things were not…[Read more]
It sounds like you’re having issues with not properly declaring the libraries required for the sketch, or not having the libraries installed on your computer. I use the standard Arduino IDE, but Sara (and others) who use Platform IO will need to help you since I’m not as familiar with the library functionality with that software.
Gera posted an update 6 years ago
@shicks Hello Mr. Hicks, I hope everything is well on your behalf,
I wanted to ask you something real quick, what kind of pin number I have to write down in the analogRead() function for the grove sockets to read data coming from there? I would like to know all of them, the 22, 6, AA0, or how I should write it down if it is in a different way. I…[Read more]-
It’s Ms. Hicks, actually. But the If you want to read an analog signal using one of the two analog Grove sockets on the Mayfly board, they are actually connected to the auxiliary 16-bit A/D converter, which is an ADS1115 chip. You’ll need to use an ADS1115 library, which has the commands you use for reading an analog voltage with any one of the…[Read more]
Anthony Aufdenkampe replied to the topic Mayfly availability – July 2018 in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 6 years ago
@dkalo, The Mafly logger is now fully open source hardware!
We have released the Eagle .brd and .sch files for the latest Mayfly v0.5b board, at
https://github.com/EnviroDIY/EnviroDIY_Mayfly_Logger/tree/master/hardwareWe also packaged things up nicely, including additional documentation from @shicks, into official releases,…[Read more]
Anthony Aufdenkampe replied to the topic board layout files in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 6 years ago
Yes! The Mafly logger is now fully open source hardware!
We also packaged things up nicely, including additional documentation from @shicks, into official releases, https://github.com/EnviroDIY/EnviroDIY_Mayfly_Logger/releases, which we’ve made fully citable: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2572006
neilh20 replied to the topic AREF in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 6 years ago
Hello Shannon/@shicks – thanks for the detail.I missed that it was an internal connection on the mega1284 to the 3.3V
The issue with the 3.3V, is that it is connected to the LiIon through the regulator SPX3819.
The regulator has a dropout that is variable depending on the load, temperature etc – so from the datasheet at load of 500mA it could be…[Read more] -
neilh20 started the topic AREF in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 6 years ago
Just wondering if AREF connects to a voltage source.? Looking at the rev0.5B and IC1 pin 29 labeled AREF I can’t find how AREF connects to 3.3V – but its probably I’m missing something. If it was an annotated PDF I could search for AREF.
The code suggests AREF is connected to 3.3V.
If it does connect to 3.3V, can it be disconnected, leaving C19…[Read more] -
Sara Damiano replied to the topic Trouble initializing XBee3 LTE-M in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 6 years ago
I’ve spent more time fiddling with the LTE-M XBee and I’m seeing the same results.
It’s a hardware problem, not software; the modem really does stop responding. I wonder if it’s that there’s not enough capacitance along the power line causing very short voltage drops even when it’s tied right to the battery. The user guide for the LTE-M XBee…[Read more]
neilh20 replied to the topic XBee Networks of Mayfly Loggers – 900Mhz in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 6 years ago
Wow – nice Shannon,
I was wondering @shicks do you have any references to the XBP900 driver code on the mayfly. Since you’ve put the infrastructure in place be nice to have a starting point :). Thanks for the reference to the Uno. Interesting what you can do on an Uno.
Same observation about 2.4GHz in a forest – the 2.4G gets absorbed by water…[Read more] -
fisherba started the topic Sonic sensors and their enclosures in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 7 years ago
This thread was originally posted as a status update in “Researchers forum”, and I think it could be helpful to index it as a topic in this forum.
@kryan originally asked:
I am searching for recommendations and resources to construct a low-cost ultrasonic water level sensor for use with trapezoidal flumes on small streams@ fisherba r…[Read more]
fisherba posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Hi Kevin, I’m not sure about an elegant way to mount a pelican case to the pipe. My current cases are all pole mounted with two 10″ zinc mending plates mounted to the back of the Pelican case using bonded sealing washers to keep the case dry. Then the mending plates are mounted to a post in the ground. If you have only ultrasonic sensors on the…[Read more]
fisherba posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
Hi Kevin, we are using and like the sensors from Maxbotix. Here’s an old blog post by @shicks to see one compact enclosure option: https://envirodiy.org/ultrasonic-water-depth-sensor/.
(the forum limits how many links I can give you, so this will come in several posts)
https://www.maxbotix.com/Ultrasonic_Sensors/MB7389.htm has a range of 30-500 cm.
https://www.maxbotix.com/Ultrasonic_Sensors/MB7386.htm has a range of 50-1000 cm.
https://www.maxbotix.com/Ultrasonic_Sensors/MB7955.htm makes temperature compensation integrated with the MaxSonar (and there’s a solder it yourself kit for 1/3 cost).-
Scripts are available in the modular sensor repo: https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors
Also notable, we like to drill and tap plastic enclosures and screw the MaxSonar straight into the enclosure.
https://github.com/EnviroDIY/EnviroDIY_Mayfly_Logger/blob/master/hardware/1120Pelican_enviroDIY_5.pdfLet me know if you have other questions.…[Read more]
I have a couple of high school students making a water-depth sensor with the MB7389 ultrasonic sensor and a Mayfly data logger. The information you posted has been very helpful. We are also using the Pelican 1120 case. The problem we are having is attaching the case/MB7389 to the top of the 4″ PVC pipe that we are using for a stilling well. Any s…[Read more]
Hi Kevin, I’m not sure about an elegant way to mount a pelican case to the pipe. My current cases are all pole mounted with two 10″ zinc mending plates mounted to the back of the Pelican case using bonded sealing washers to keep the case dry. Then the mending plates are mounted to a post in the ground. If you have only ultrasonic sensors on the…[Read more]
Thank you. I checked out the link, that is very nice. Right now we only have the ultrasonic sensor, but I wanted to add temperature sensors for water and air. In the future, we might add a rain gauge.
Kevin, I was just thinking, how about mounting a PVC end cap to the back of the pelican case (so the door of the case is on top) and drill and tap the PVC and case to accommodate the ultrasonic sensor? It would look something like the one linked above, but roomier. Then you have the case mounted as a sort of well cap and you have room to add…[Read more]
Jake Pullins posted an update 8 years ago
@shicks Hey there! You seem to know the ins and outs of exactly what I am looking to do to help make storm water monitoring more cost effective to help out our company! I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to pick your brain about which options to consider for our ambient monitoring applications.
JP -
Heather Brooks posted a new activity comment 8 years ago
Welcome to EnviroDIY! Last I heard, international sales were still problematic but I’m going to refer you to @shicks for the latest information as she handles (among many things!) the equipment merchandising.
Danny Waz replied to the topic Cellular telemetry for remote locations in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years ago
@shicks I assume you have been busy and this hasn’t happened yet… I’d like to start playing around with the GPRSbee on my own. Any recommendation on which Rev to buy and where to buy it?
Danny Waz replied to the topic Cellular telemetry for remote locations in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 9 years ago
Thanks, @shicks. I will look into those too. I am glad to hear you are planning a tutorial already.
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We don’t provide kits or sensors since there are an unlimited number of sensors (in a variety of configurations) that people could use with a Mayfly logger. We only offer the Mayfly board, or the starter kit, and a handful of accessories that work specifically with the Mayfly. Everything else is sources from various stores and online vendors.…[Read more]