Heather Brooks posted a new activity comment 10 years ago
Tom Sayles replied to the topic Ultrasonic Stream Depth Sensors in the forum Environmental Sensors 10 years ago
@Shicks, thanks for the heads up on the temperature compensation. I had already been thinking about measuring temperature at the top, bottom and water surface [hopefully using an I2C-IR sensor I’ve been playing with] in the stilling well. From there calculating the thermal gradient and applying a calibration curve shouldn’t be too difficult, just…[Read more]
Tom Sayles started the topic Ultrasonic Stream Depth Sensors in the forum Environmental Sensors 10 years ago
I recently ordered a MB7040 I2CXL-MaxSonar-WR sensor [I like the i2c interface and don’t need mm resolution] and @Shicks said “That sensor may not be the best option for you”.
I wrote up a bit of a concept paper for what I’m hoping to do and posted it at http://toms-wow.blogspot.com/2015/01/open-source-crowd-source-stream-gauge.html
What are…[Read more]
Tom Sayles posted a new activity comment 10 years ago
@sollins Looks like Seeed has revised their Seeeduino Stalker design since the v2 shown in @shicks build.
Tom Sayles posted a new activity comment 10 years ago
@shicks Could you post a bigger image of the test/installed site? And perhaps some sample data? Also info on how the sensors are doing through the winter, would be helpful.
I think I want to build and deploy a couple to test for potential use in community driven local flood monitoring and forecasting in the lower Snoqualmie Valley (outside…[Read more]
That photo was from a temporary test setup, so I don’t have more pictures. I moved the PVC pipe to a more secure mounting to survive higher flows. The ultrasonic sensors, along with all of our other sensors and logger circuitry, are performing perfectly this winter, even with air temperatures below 0 degrees C a few times. I’m still running a…[Read more]
Hi All,
Really cool stuff that is going on here with the DIY Utrasonic Water Depth sensor. I see how being able to construct something like this on a tight budget is extremely important for increasing stream gauging data.
OnSet makes the HOBO U20L pressure transducer/datalogger combo
(here:…[Read more]
This is a good topic for the Q&A forums. Start a thread over there and we can continue the discussion there.
We’re going to try to build a water level sensor (ultrasound) using your design. But we’re going to need some help. For example, when I Google the Seeduino logger board kit, it says discontinued. And when I try Arduino FIO, I get a whole bunch of different products.
Any chance you could post a list of materials including where we purchase each…[Read more]
@sollins Looks like Seeed has revised their Seeeduino Stalker design since the v2 shown in @shicks build.
I have dozens of Seeeduino Stalker v2.3 boards, and we have been using them for a few years now. But they were discontinued last fall and replaced with the new v3.0 model. We will not be using the v3.0 version, for a variety of reasons, so we are currently testing and evaluating other board options. The Fio is only handy because it has an Xbee…[Read more]
I am curious as to why you will be staying away from the v3.0 Stalker boards. What disadvantages do you see compared to previous versions?
Okay, I ordered a MB7040 I2CXL-MaxSonar-WR sensor [I like the i2c interface and don’t need mm resolution] and wrote up a bit of a concept paper for what I’m hoping to do.
That sensor may not be the best option for you, head over to the Sensor forum, start a thread there and I’ll elaborate.
Sam, that’s a really good question, ask it over in the “Dataloggers” forum and I’ll answer it there so other people can find these discussions more easily.