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  • Sara Damiano replied to the topic Sleep code not working with Maxbotix 7389 in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 5 years, 1 months ago

    Did the modification I suggested get your board to go back to sleep and stay asleep?

    • We have not tested that part of the data collection yet. Instead, we are first testing the approach in your suggestion as to powering up the sensor then opening the serial port, taking fresh reading, and then closing the serial port resulting in dumping all old data from the buffer. There is evidence in our previous data to support your idea that we were just getting bad data on the first couple of reads since we were only seeing the first few readings after powerup and therefore did not get fresh data from the serial buffer. Results of that portion of the testing the modifiied code for the sensor/logger at the stream will be posted probably within a couple of weeks. If that is successful, it will not be necessary to go ahead with testing of continuous power for the sensor.