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Have you tried using the
build flag: Some SDI-12 sensors don’t properly support the concurrent mode that ModularSensors uses by default. That could by why they work individually, but not all together.I finally dug into this. As I commented on GitHub, I think this loss must be related to a server update or hotfix. The server did get the data, so it might be recoverable. I doubt it’s related to the older issue.
If you can create a POST request, you can get data to Monitor My Watershed. There’s information about the POST format here:
I’m sorry; I’m stumped. There’s something wrong with the way the battery voltage is being read. But I don’t understand what. As soon as I turn on the debugging for it.. it works. It also works if I upgrade to the current ModularSensors master branch. But I cannot figure out for the life of me what change makes it work.
So my two suggestions to get it working (pick one):
to the build flags in your platformio.ini
– Upgrade to the latest master branch of ModularSensors on GitHub by changing your lib_deps toenvirodiy/EnviroDIY_ModularSensors@0.33.3
I’m looking into it. I would have said “of course they should work together” but I’d never tried it, so I hooked it up and tried it out. And I got the same result as you. I haven’t figured it out yet, though.
The LTE Bee (and WiFi) can change IP addresses at any time.
The WiFi bee is actively being supported. It’s what I test with on my desk. Switching back and forth between WiFi and LTE is fairly simple. But you should still do some LTE testing on your desk before moving to the field.
If you’re using a Mayfly, I’d go with the WiFi Bee. It plugs right in. Any other shield would require jumper wires or other connections.
You need to set the sampling feature UUID for the logger. If you have an EnviroDIYPublisher, this happens automatically, but without the publisher, you need to add it.
So after you set the logger pins in line 283 (
), add the linedataLogger.setSamplingFeatureUUID(samplingFeature);
I’m sorry I haven’t responded yet. I’ll try to look into this tomorrow.
The radio XBee’s *cannot* be used directly with the logAndPublishData functions. That only works for XBees that have a direct internet connection.
You would have to set up your radio using the Digi software and then write your loop function, which would print your json or csv string out over the serial port for the radio to hear.