suketunaik replied to the topic Charging 6600 mAh Li-ion battery with 3.5W solar panel in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 7 years ago
That was very helpful and informative reply. I did see that the yellow LED doesn’t quite go out but faints (equivalent of ‘off’) after charging
the battery using microUSB cable. It took almost 12 hours which is what I originally figured. For anyone who comes across this thread in future, a word of advice: choose your battery wisely. You may not…[Read more] -
suketunaik replied to the topic Charging 6600 mAh Li-ion battery with 3.5W solar panel in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 7 years ago
And on the related note,
am I correct in assuming that solar panel will charge the battery even if I leave Mayfly in off mode?
In other words, I don’t need to turn on the Mayfly and then wait for the battery to be charged over the entire day. Is that correct? -
suketunaik started the topic Charging 6600 mAh Li-ion battery with 3.5W solar panel in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 7 years ago
I have a stupid question for Shannon or anyone who knows Mayfly better than me.
I have a 3.5W 6W solar panel from Voltaic. I am charging 3.7V 6600mAh Li-ion battery with it.
Voltaic specs say that the panel can output peak current of 550mA. This brings my battery charging
time to 12 hours. Now what I would like know is, how do I make sure that the…[Read more] -
suketunaik posted a new activity comment 7 years ago
yes, I have been using Atlas Scientific sensors. They have very good customer support. Always willing to help.
I have duplicated my setup and now have three separate sensor sites all loaded with Atlas sensors. Make sure to use EZO carrier boards, sensor circuits, and the probes-all from Atlas. Call them up-they will explain all to you in detail.…[Read more] -
suketunaik replied to the topic Low Cost Ambient Water Quality Sensors in the forum Environmental Sensors 8 years ago
Shannon, Thanks for your reply.
I am interested in measuring pH, Temp., DO, and Conductivity. What do you recommend?
Also, I just noticed on your blog that the latest version of Mayfly accepts 12 V power.
This is perfect since a lot of medium/higher grade sensor sondes work off of 12 V. The question
I have is whether Mayfly will enable sleep…[
suketunaik replied to the topic Low Cost Ambient Water Quality Sensors in the forum Environmental Sensors 8 years ago
Hello Shannon,
I am responding to your post from a year ago. I have been working on an interface that can take 12 V from a solar panel, run the 4-20mA sensors, convert the 12 V to 3.7 V to run Mayfly and sensor interface circuits. I have located one vendor (Global Water) that sells 4-20mA sensors at a low price but I would like to go through more…[Read more] -
suketunaik started the topic Low Cost Ambient Water Quality Sensors in the forum Environmental Sensors 9 years ago
Hello all, I would like to deploy minimum of 4 water quality sensors such as temperature, pH, specific conductance, and dissolved oxygen. are there any low cost sensors that can be used with the Mayfly board that anyone is aware of?
Thank you very much for your help. -
suketunaik became a registered member 9 years ago