Danny Waz replied to the topic Custom Arduino-based sensor, off-the-shelf SDI-12 datalogger in the forum Other Data Loggers 7 years, 10 months ago
Update 3: Looks like EnviroDIY has merged my backward-compatible slave-side additions into their main library, so you don’t need my fork if you have the latest version. See example “g” for a slave implementation.
Danny Waz replied to the topic USB SDI-12 Interface in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 8 years, 3 months ago
The code is publicly available in my GitHub (link). For it to work, you will need my fork of the EnviroDIY SDI-12 library in your Arduino/libraries folder. At the time of this comment, it is ahead of EnviroDIY:master and fully backward-compatible, so it will not break your old sketches if you are already using that library.
Danny Waz replied to the topic Cellular telemetry for remote locations in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 4 months ago
@shicks I assume you have been busy and this hasn’t happened yet… I’d like to start playing around with the GPRSbee on my own. Any recommendation on which Rev to buy and where to buy it?
Danny Waz replied to the topic Custom Arduino-based sensor, off-the-shelf SDI-12 datalogger in the forum Other Data Loggers 8 years, 5 months ago
Update 2: I have posted the modified library and an example implementation sketch in a fork off of the EnviroDIY Arduino-SDI-12 repository.
Danny Waz replied to the topic Water level monitor with a Mayfly. in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 6 months ago
Pardon the somewhat off-topic response, but regarding reading serial data I have found this post extremely helpful. Both of the examples above hold the loop() hostage until the whole string comes in. That’s okay in a small, single-sensor sketch, but it is susceptible to (a) truncating the string if the arduino gets ahead of the incoming data and…[Read more]
Danny Waz replied to the topic Water level monitor with a Mayfly. in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 6 months ago
According to the datasheet, the “RS232” models MB736x are 0-Vcc (typical RS232 is -13V to +13V). Of course, it will be inverted from TTL, but if you account for that in your softwareSerial constructor, I do not see why you should need an external converter (MAX232 or similar). In fact, the converter might cause problems if it’s shifting the…[Read more]
Danny Waz replied to the topic Cellular telemetry for remote locations in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 6 months ago
Thanks, @shicks. I will look into those too. I am glad to hear you are planning a tutorial already.
Danny Waz replied to the topic Cellular telemetry for remote locations in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 6 months ago
Thanks for the links. Of these, the NimbeLink Skywire looks most like what I was imagining. The FONA boards have some promise, but the Adafruit library does not support data yet for the linked 3G version. I would consider a cell modem like the Raven a good option for a remote system based on a full-fledged computer (say, an RPi or NUC), but it…[Read more]
Danny Waz replied to the topic USB SDI-12 Interface in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 8 years, 7 months ago
I should mention that when I was about 90% done with it, I discovered Vegetronix offers something similar off-the-shelf. However, I am benefiting from some advantages to my approach:
1. It is customizable, which is especially useful for integration into custom applications on the host PC
2. Total cost was ~$15 -
Danny Waz started the topic USB SDI-12 Interface in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 8 years, 7 months ago
Inspired in part by S Hicks’s SDI-12 Sensor Display (and in part by how much trouble it was to debug a custom SDI-12 device), I built a handy little interface based on an Arduino Nano and SWRC’s SDI-12 library. Just connect the GND and SDI-12 data lines to your SDI-12 bus under test, plug the interface into a USB port, and open up…[Read more]
Danny Waz started the topic Cellular telemetry for remote locations in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 8 years, 7 months ago
Are you using the Mayfly in any remote locations where cellular telemetry is necessary? Do you know of any products (e.g. 3G modem, cellular bee module?) whereby one might establish wireless IP connectivity to the Mayfly, or at least have data periodically pushed up to a remote server? Any “getting started” tips would be appreciated!
The…[Read more]
Danny Waz replied to the topic Ultrasonic Stream Depth Sensors in the forum Environmental Sensors 8 years, 8 months ago
You are not missing something. It would be more accurate to say “ultrasonic stage height sensors”, because depth is merely retrieved, not sensed. This is problematic when one cannot easily survey the sensor as you said, even more problematic for sensing streams with moving beds. Presently, something like a pressure transducer can measure depth…[Read more]
Danny Waz replied to the topic Custom Arduino-based sensor, off-the-shelf SDI-12 datalogger in the forum Other Data Loggers 8 years, 8 months ago
Update: I have succeeded in making an SDI-12 slave device on an Arduino Nano, but I have more work to do before my code can be generalized and distributed.
The project linked by GS is not really a slave-side library but rather an attempt to build a sketch implementing an SDI-12 slave with the SWRC’s SDI-12 master library. This did not work for…[Read more]
Danny Waz posted a new activity comment 8 years, 8 months ago
Neat! I’m looking forward to trying this out! I believe it will help me to get around some limitations of the proprietary logger I’m using and allow me to make sensor installations that would not be economically viable otherwise.
Danny Waz replied to the topic Custom Arduino-based sensor, off-the-shelf SDI-12 datalogger in the forum Other Data Loggers 8 years, 12 months ago
Thanks! It will be a few weeks before I get a chance to try out this library live, but at first glance it appears to be almost exactly what I was planning to make.
Danny Waz replied to the topic Solar Power Supply in the forum Infrastructure and Equipment 9 years ago
Before I get to the questions, let’s look at the battery issue. Reading between the lines, I’m assuming you actually want a 1.2 V power supply, not a 2.4 V supply. If that’s the case, then yes, wiring your 3 AAs in parallel will work and increase the capacity. That said, I’m curious as to what you are powering off of 1.2 V. Any Arduino-based…[Read more]
Danny Waz started the topic Custom Arduino-based sensor, off-the-shelf SDI-12 datalogger in the forum Other Data Loggers 9 years ago
I see that much effort has been invested in connecting off-the-shelf SDI-12 sensors to an Arduino-based datalogger, and for good reason. I have the opposite challenge: integrating a custom sensor (a smart sensor with an Arduino brain) with an existing off-the-shelf SDI-12 datalogger already deployed at a field site.
Before expending the effort…[Read more]
Danny Waz started the topic Custom Arduino-based sensor, off-the-shelf SDI-12 datalogger in the forum Other Data Loggers 9 years ago
I see that much effort has been invested in connecting off-the-shelf SDI-12 sensors to an Arduino-based datalogger, and for good reason. I have the opposite challenge: integrating a custom sensor (a smart with an Arduino brain) with an existing off-the-shelf SDI-12 datalogger already deployed at a field site.
Before expending the effort to write…[Read more]
Danny Waz became a registered member 9 years ago