Tom Harten posted an update in the group Citizen Scientists 8 years ago
We do a number of citizen scientist programs with our students. I’d be interested in learning what others are doing in this arena. Thanks!
Tom Harten posted an update in the group Citizen Scientists 8 years ago
We do a number of citizen scientist programs with our students. I’d be interested in learning what others are doing in this arena. Thanks!
Welcome, Tom! Citizen science is a really exciting way to engage students. Did you know that EnviroDIY is part of the WikiWatershed toolkit? You might find additional tools there that you can use with your students: https://wikiwatershed.org/
Thank you Heather! We are actually playing with that tool in the office right now! It’s a very interesting app that I think our students and teachers are going to really like. Just getting up to speed with the mechanics of it right now.
Great! I suppose you’ve already found the “WikiWatershed Toolkit for Educators” webinar recording on the videos page.
We’re also excited about the “Model My Watershed: A Tool for Water Resource Management” webinar being presented by US EPA tomorrow. It’s in the middle of the day, so not convenient for teachers, but we hope to be able to link to an archived version later.
Thank you! I am going to register for this event. Wow! Great timing.
I mis-named the webinar-it was the Model My Watershed. I understand that it will be archived for anyone interested.