TUBearRiver started the topic Gaps in my data in the forum Monitor My Watershed 6 months ago
We set this Mayfly up in 2022 and have had relatively no issue with it but now as I look at the website it shows gaps in my data. I checked everything out in person and there seems to be no issue with the equipment. I am guessing that maybe it is related to the cellphone service? When these gaps in data happen, does the Mayfly adjust and…[Read more]
TUBearRiver replied to the topic Hologram monthly bill in the forum Miscellaneous 2 years ago
Thank you for the explanation on the fees. The Maker Flexible plan sounds good to me. We will just turn off the logger station as you suggest, which we’ll do in November and the keep the card active so that we can redeploy in the spring.
TUBearRiver started the topic Hologram monthly bill in the forum Miscellaneous 2 years ago
We have recently set up our first Mayfly system and really love it so far. For the cell phone service we signed up with Hologram and have a monthly bill of $20. Does this sound about right? Has anyone had experience pausing the service while the system is removed for the winter season?
TUBearRiver became a registered member 3 years ago