Active 5 months agoForum Replies Created
You assume correctly. When operating correctly the red power LED3 is off during sleep mode. I just retested with my sensor disconnected and works properly with myserial.begin(9600) active. Therefor my problem seems to be when the sensor is connected and returning data.
I need to do a bit more trouble shooting. The objective is to wake the mayfly, turn on the sensor and let it collect n samples of data (1 per second) then go to sleep. A possible related problem is that the tx pin (10) needs to be set low when in sleep mode otherwise it feeds Vcc to the sensor.
I’ll report back after some further testing.
Thanks, Shannon
What is the status of the prototyping shields?
I would appreciate help on a problem with my code derived from the Mayfly-sleep.ino example. I am using the SoftwareSerialMod.h library as recommended to resolve a pin conflict. However, when I activate myserial.begin(9600) the program does
go into sleep mode.
attached is my code:
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326/*This example sketch puts the Mayfly board into sleep mode. It wakes up at specific times,records the temperature and battery voltage onto the microSD card, prints the data stringto the serial port, and goes back to sleep.JOM 2/9/17 added power on/off to EZO boardJOM 2/12/17 downloaded ...Mod.h libraries to fix RTC interupt conflicts. Need to turn off rx and txwhen putting to sleep otherwise rx/tx powers the sensor after Vcc is turned offJOM 2/13/17 Problem sensor on most of time. may need to serial.flushJOM 3/12/17 problem was not plugged into grove 10/11 socket!!JOM 3/13/17 does not go to sleep even with minimal EZO codeJOM 3/14/17 activating myserial.begin(9600) causes sleep mode not to work.*/#include <Wire.h>#include <avr/sleep.h>#include <avr/wdt.h>#include <SPI.h>#include <SD.h>#include <SoftwareSerialMod.h>#include <RTCTimer.h>#include <Sodaq_DS3231.h>#include <Sodaq_PcInt_Mod.h>RTCTimer timer;#define rx 11 //D11 to Tx on EZO (white on Grove conn)#define tx 10 //D10 to Rx on EZO (yellow on Grove conn)SoftwareSerialMod myserial(rx, tx); //define how the soft serial port is going to work.String dataRec = "";String sensorstring = "EZO data"; //a string to hold the data from the EZO productint currentminute;int n = 0;long currentepochtime = 0;float boardtemp;int batteryPin = A6; // select the input pin for the potentiometerint batterysenseValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensorfloat batteryvoltage;boolean sensor_stringcomplete = false; //have we received all the data from the EZO product//RTC Interrupt pin#define RTC_PIN A7#define RTC_INT_PERIOD EveryMinute#define SD_SS_PIN 12 //orig had pin 11//The data log file#define FILE_NAME "datafile.txt"//Data header#define LOGGERNAME "SampleLogger"#define DATA_HEADER "DateTime_EST,Loggertime,BoardTemp_C,Battery_V"void setup(){//Initialise the serial connectionSerial.begin(9600);//myserial.begin(9600); //set baud rate for software serial port_3 to 9600//if myserial active sleep doesn't workrtc.begin();delay(100);pinMode(8, OUTPUT);pinMode(9, OUTPUT);pinMode(22, OUTPUT); //Power to Grove connectorssensorstring.reserve(30); //set aside some bytes for receiving data from EZO productgreenred4flash(); //blink the LEDs to show the board is onsetupLogFile();setupTimer(); //Setup timer eventssetupSleep(); //Setup sleep modeSerial.println("Power On, running: mayfly_sleep_sample1.ino");showTime(getNow());}void loop(){//Update the timertimer.update();if (currentminute % 1 == 0) // change "2" to "5" to wake up logger every 5 minutes instead{ //Serial.println(" Initiating sensor reading and logging data to SDcard....");dataRec = createDataRecord();//Save the data record to the log filelogData(dataRec);//Echo the data to the serial connection//Serial.println();Serial.print("Data Record: ");Serial.println(dataRec);String dataRec = "";while (!sensor_stringcomplete && (n <= 10) ){recieveSensorData();Serial.print("n= ");Serial.println(n);delay(1000);n++;}n = 0;}delay(1000);//SleepsystemSleep();} //end loopvoid sensorsSleep(){digitalWrite(22, false); //Turn off power to EZO cktdigitalWrite(10, false); //Turn off tx to EZO ckt//digitalWrite(11, false); //Turn off rx to EZO ckt}void sensorsWake(){digitalWrite(22, true); //Turn on power to EZO cktSerial.println("..I'm awake!");delay(5000);}void recieveSensorData(){if (myserial.available() > 0) { //if we see that the EZO product has sent a character.char inchar = (char)myserial.read(); //get the char we just receivedsensorstring += inchar;if (inchar == '\r') {sensor_stringcomplete = true; //if the incoming character is a <CR>, set the flag}}if (sensor_stringcomplete) { //if a string from the EZO product has been received//in its entiretydataRec = createDataRecord();logData(dataRec); //Save the data record to the log fileSerial.print(" ");Serial.println(dataRec);sensorstring = ""; //clear the string:sensor_stringcomplete = false; //reset the flag used to tell if we have received a}}String createDataRecord(){//Create a String type data record in csv format//TimeDate, Loggertime,Temp_DS, Diff1, Diff2, boardtempString data = getDateTime();data += ",";rtc.convertTemperature(); //convert current temperature into registersboardtemp = rtc.getTemperature(); //Read temperature sensor valuebatterysenseValue = analogRead(batteryPin);batteryvoltage = (3.3 / 1023.) * 1.47 * batterysenseValue;data += currentepochtime;data += ",";addFloatToString(data, boardtemp, 3, 1); //floatdata += ",";addFloatToString(data, batteryvoltage, 4, 2);data += " , "; //adds a comma between valuesdata += sensorstring; //adds pH to the data stringreturn data;}void showTime(uint32_t ts){//Retrieve and display the current date/timeString dateTime = getDateTime();//Serial.println(dateTime);}void setupTimer(){//Schedule the wakeup every minutetimer.every(1, showTime);//Instruct the RTCTimer how to get the current time readingtimer.setNowCallback(getNow);}void wakeISR(){//Leave this blank}void setupSleep(){pinMode(RTC_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);PcInt::attachInterrupt(RTC_PIN, wakeISR);//Setup the RTC in interrupt modertc.enableInterrupts(RTC_INT_PERIOD);//Set the sleep modeset_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);}void systemSleep(){//This method handles any sensor specific sleep setupsensorsSleep();//Wait until the serial ports have finished transmittingSerial.flush();// Serial1.flush();//The next timed interrupt will not be sent until this is clearedrtc.clearINTStatus();//Disable ADCADCSRA &= ~_BV(ADEN);//Sleep timenoInterrupts();sleep_enable();interrupts();sleep_cpu();sleep_disable();//Enbale ADCADCSRA |= _BV(ADEN);//This method handles any sensor specific wake setupsensorsWake();}String getDateTime(){String dateTimeStr;//Create a DateTime object from the current timeDateTime dt(rtc.makeDateTime(rtc.now().getEpoch()));currentepochtime = (dt.get()); //Unix time in secondscurrentminute = (dt.minute());//Convert it to a Stringdt.addToString(dateTimeStr);return dateTimeStr;}uint32_t getNow(){currentepochtime = rtc.now().getEpoch();return currentepochtime;}void greenred4flash(){for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {digitalWrite(8, HIGH);digitalWrite(9, LOW);delay(50);digitalWrite(8, LOW);digitalWrite(9, HIGH);delay(50);}digitalWrite(9, LOW);}void setupLogFile(){//Initialise the SD cardif (!SD.begin(SD_SS_PIN)){Serial.println("Error: SD card failed to initialise or is missing.");//Hang// while (true);}//Check if the file already existsbool oldFile = SD.exists(FILE_NAME);//Open the file in write modeFile logFile = SD.open(FILE_NAME, FILE_WRITE);//Add header information if the file did not already existif (!oldFile){logFile.println(LOGGERNAME);logFile.println(DATA_HEADER);}//Close the file to save itlogFile.close();}void logData(String rec){//Re-open the fileFile logFile = SD.open(FILE_NAME, FILE_WRITE);//Write the CSV datalogFile.println(rec);//Close the file to save itlogFile.close();}static void addFloatToString(String & str, float val, char width, unsigned char precision){char buffer[10];dtostrf(val, width, precision, buffer);str += buffer;}Thanks, that’s what I did and my program now compiles but doesn’t work but its progress and I’m learning.
Btw, the libraries.zip gave me a corrupt file error but loading the two _Mod libraries separately worked.
Is the Decagon code that was used in the seminar available? That might help me understand the deep sleep mode better.
I have version 0.3 and it looks like I would cut the trace at JP1 but would then have to wire the int pin to D10 since there is only two pads at JP1. I think I can add the wire with out making too much of a mess. Will this work? I’ll also give the software fix a try.
Any updates on Amazon stock and protoshield availability?
Thanks for all your help!
I tried the NewSoftSerial.h library, which I understand uses interupts instead of polling, and still no joy.
I think I have run out of options so any suggestions would be appreciated!
Maybe I should put all of my code in the sensorWake() function…
By process of elimination the the compile error seems to be related to
#include <SoftwareSerial.h</ul
…and I assume this is where the code goes.
123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318/*This example sketch puts the Mayfly board into sleep mode. It wakes up at specific times,records the temperature and battery voltage onto the microSD card, prints the data stringto the serial port, and goes back to sleep.JOM 2/9/17 added power on/off to EZO board*/#include <Wire.h>#include <avr/sleep.h>#include <avr/wdt.h>#include <SPI.h>#include <SD.h>#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //we have to include the SoftwareSerial library, or else we can't use it.#include <RTCTimer.h>#include <Sodaq_DS3231.h>#include <Sodaq_PcInt.h>RTCTimer timer;#define rx 7 //D7 to Tx on EZO (white on Grove conn)#define tx 6 //D6 to Rx on EZO (yellow on Grove conn)SoftwareSerial myserial(rx, tx); //define how the soft serial port is going to work.String dataRec = "";String sensorstring = "EZO data"; //a string to hold the data from the EZO productint currentminute;long currentepochtime = 0;float boardtemp;int batteryPin = A6; // select the input pin for the potentiometerint batterysenseValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensorfloat batteryvoltage;boolean sensor_stringcomplete = false; //have we received all the data from the EZO productunsigned long previousMillis = 0; // will store last time EZO was readconst long interval = 5000;//RTC Interrupt pin#define RTC_PIN A7#define RTC_INT_PERIOD EveryMinute#define SD_SS_PIN 12 //orig had pin 11//The data log file#define FILE_NAME "datafile.txt"//Data header#define LOGGERNAME "SampleLogger"#define DATA_HEADER "DateTime_EST,Loggertime,BoardTemp_C,Battery_V"void setup(){//Initialise the serial connectionSerial.begin(9600);myserial.begin(9600); //set baud rate for software serial port_3 to 9600rtc.begin();delay(100);pinMode(8, OUTPUT);pinMode(9, OUTPUT);pinMode(22, OUTPUT); //Power to Grove connectorssensorstring.reserve(30); //set aside some bytes for receiving data from EZO productgreenred4flash(); //blink the LEDs to show the board is onsetupLogFile();setupTimer(); //Setup timer eventssetupSleep(); //Setup sleep modeSerial.println("Power On, running: mayfly_sleep_sample1.ino");showTime(getNow());}void loop(){//Update the timertimer.update();if (currentminute % 1 == 0) // change "2" to "5" to wake up logger every 5 minutes instead{ Serial.println("Multiple of 2! Initiating sensor reading and logging data to SDcard....");recieveSensorData(); //recieve data from EZO sensor to log on sd card and display on monitor//add loop here to run n timesunsigned long currentMillis = millis();if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval){previousMillis = currentMillis; // save the last time you blinked the LEDmyserial.print("r\r"); // if its time then send "r \r" to the EZO product// digitalWrite(greenPin, LEDstate);// LEDstate = !LEDstate;// digitalWrite(redPin, LEDstate);}/*dataRec = createDataRecord();//Save the data record to the log filelogData(dataRec);//Echo the data to the serial connection//Serial.println();Serial.print("Data Record: ");Serial.println(dataRec);String dataRec = "";*/}delay(1000);//SleepsystemSleep();}void showTime(uint32_t ts){//Retrieve and display the current date/timeString dateTime = getDateTime();//Serial.println(dateTime);}void setupTimer(){//Schedule the wakeup every minutetimer.every(1, showTime);//Instruct the RTCTimer how to get the current time readingtimer.setNowCallback(getNow);}void wakeISR(){//Leave this blank}void setupSleep(){pinMode(RTC_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP);PcInt::attachInterrupt(RTC_PIN, wakeISR);//Setup the RTC in interrupt modertc.enableInterrupts(RTC_INT_PERIOD);//Set the sleep modeset_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN);}void systemSleep(){//This method handles any sensor specific sleep setupsensorsSleep();//Wait until the serial ports have finished transmittingSerial.flush();// Serial1.flush();//The next timed interrupt will not be sent until this is clearedrtc.clearINTStatus();//Disable ADCADCSRA &= ~_BV(ADEN);//Sleep timenoInterrupts();sleep_enable();interrupts();sleep_cpu();sleep_disable();//Enbale ADCADCSRA |= _BV(ADEN);//This method handles any sensor specific wake setupsensorsWake();}void sensorsSleep(){digitalWrite(22, false); //Turn off power to EZO ckt}void sensorsWake(){digitalWrite(22, true); //Turn on power to EZO cktdelay(10000); //replace with EZO code for auto r\r n times}String getDateTime(){String dateTimeStr;//Create a DateTime object from the current timeDateTime dt(rtc.makeDateTime(rtc.now().getEpoch()));currentepochtime = (dt.get()); //Unix time in secondscurrentminute = (dt.minute());//Convert it to a Stringdt.addToString(dateTimeStr);return dateTimeStr;}uint32_t getNow(){currentepochtime = rtc.now().getEpoch();return currentepochtime;}void greenred4flash(){for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {digitalWrite(8, HIGH);digitalWrite(9, LOW);delay(50);digitalWrite(8, LOW);digitalWrite(9, HIGH);delay(50);}digitalWrite(9, LOW);}void setupLogFile(){//Initialise the SD cardif (!SD.begin(SD_SS_PIN)){Serial.println("Error: SD card failed to initialise or is missing.");//Hang// while (true);}//Check if the file already existsbool oldFile = SD.exists(FILE_NAME);//Open the file in write modeFile logFile = SD.open(FILE_NAME, FILE_WRITE);//Add header information if the file did not already existif (!oldFile){logFile.println(LOGGERNAME);logFile.println(DATA_HEADER);}//Close the file to save itlogFile.close();}void logData(String rec){//Re-open the fileFile logFile = SD.open(FILE_NAME, FILE_WRITE);//Write the CSV datalogFile.println(rec);//Close the file to save itlogFile.close();}void recieveSensorData(){if (myserial.available() > 0) { //if we see that the EZO product has sent a character.char inchar = (char)myserial.read(); //get the char we just receivedsensorstring += inchar;if (inchar == '\r') {sensor_stringcomplete = true; //if the incoming character is a <CR>, set the flag}}if (sensor_stringcomplete) { //if a string from the EZO product has been received//in its entiretydataRec = createDataRecord();logData(dataRec); //Save the data record to the log fileSerial.print(" ");Serial.println(dataRec);sensorstring = ""; //clear the string:sensor_stringcomplete = false; //reset the flag used to tell if we have received a}}String createDataRecord(){//Create a String type data record in csv format//TimeDate, Loggertime,Temp_DS, Diff1, Diff2, boardtempString data = getDateTime();data += ",";rtc.convertTemperature(); //convert current temperature into registersboardtemp = rtc.getTemperature(); //Read temperature sensor valuebatterysenseValue = analogRead(batteryPin);batteryvoltage = (3.3 / 1023.) * 1.47 * batterysenseValue;data += currentepochtime;data += ",";addFloatToString(data, boardtemp, 3, 1); //floatdata += ",";addFloatToString(data, batteryvoltage, 4, 2);data += " , "; //adds a comma between valuesdata += sensorstring; //adds pH to the data stringreturn data;}static void addFloatToString(String & str, float val, char width, unsigned char precision){char buffer[10];dtostrf(val, width, precision, buffer);str += buffer;}Your code looks close to what I am trying to do with the Atlas sensors. However, it wouldn’t compile due to missing SDI12.h library. Is this just for the SDI-12 protocol which I am not using for the Atlas senors?
I want to time stamp data to a log file from the Atlas sensors. I can’t seem to find any sample code for the Mayfly board’s RTC. I could also use some help on the battery and solar cell connections.