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Jim Moore

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  • in reply to: Errors compiling DRWI_SIM7080LTE.ino code #16331
    Jim Moore


      I emailed the sketch and the associate pio .ini file.

      Thanks for looking into this.

      in reply to: Errors compiling DRWI_SIM7080LTE.ino code #16329
      Jim Moore

        I assume that the NeoSWSerial function is needed. to talk to the sim7080 and that is why I am not getting any response from the modem

        in reply to: Errors compiling DRWI_SIM7080LTE.ino code #16328
        Jim Moore

          The new sim7080 is plugged directly into the Mayfly 0.5b.

          in reply to: Errors compiling DRWI_SIM7080LTE.ino code #16325
          Jim Moore

            @srgdamiano @hicks

            Current status of my problem; I am using the 0.5 Mayfly board and have changed to appropite line from 18 to -1 and I get compile errors related to NeosWSerial.ccp.  I have updated all my libraries and still get the same error.

            If I comment out the lib entry for NeoSWSerial the sketch compiles but when loaded the console output appears normal but the simcon board doesn’t come on so I assume the NeoSWSerial is needed and the program doesn’t default to another SWSerial function.



            in reply to: Errors compiling DRWI_SIM7080LTE.ino code #16289
            Jim Moore

              <h2 class=”user-nicename”>@srgdamiano</h2>
              Hi Sara-

              I spelled your handle wrong so maybe you didn’t see this.  Do yo need more details?

              in reply to: No data for 24 hours #16143
              Jim Moore

                I observed the same issue on one of my sensor stations with last data on Dec 7 at 12:55. I have 4G modems and was working fine till then.  I am located in elverson Pa.  I thought it was a modem failure which Shannon has had a bunch of.  Maybe the Amazon cloud server problem.

                in reply to: MMW is down #15282
                Jim Moore

                  I just tried this with Safari on my iMac and the scroll works to change scale so must be a Chrome problem which I typically use.  I have Chrome Version 89.0.4389.82 (Official Build) (x86_64)

                  in reply to: MMW is down #15281
                  Jim Moore

                    btw Robert S response didn’t show up in this thread

                    in reply to: MMW is down #15280
                    Jim Moore

                      My problem is that GMI_EC1 has conductivity spikes up to 900,ooo µS. The TSA chart auto scales to that level.  If I hover over EC axis and left click I can shift the scale location but I want to hover around zero and expand the scale so the all the lower EC readings are displayed.  I could do this a few weeks ago and my mouse wheel is working on other apps.  I am in my office with a iMac using Chrome.  No mouse wheel but its touch sensitive – same result.

                      If you look at GMI_EC1 you will see large spike around 2/19/2021 A few weeks ago I was able to expand the scale around zero to see the lower values of EC now I can’t.  If I pick dates 2/22/21 to 3/14/21 I see the lower EC spikes (probably road salt from the service plaza) so the auto scaling works but I can’t scale manually.

                      Try it and let me know what you observe.  I have tried on different platforms and browsers and same problem.


                      in reply to: MMW is down #15270
                      Jim Moore

                        I noticed this week that the TSA charts can not be scaled with the mouse scroll button but they can be shifted.  Something changed since I was able to scale and move any of the displayed parameters.

                        I couldn’t find this issue in any other threads so I bring it up here.  Perhaps there was a recent update and that feature got broken?

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