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Jim Moore

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  • in reply to: Case for Lower Threshold Voltage on Mayfly Stations #15188
    Jim Moore

      Couple of clarifications:

      • The discharge is a fixed load of 22Ω so ohm’s law works!
      • My question is why is the Mayfly station drawing less and less current as it approaches 3.3 Volts?  Yet the 4G modems continue to work and upload the data.
      • I believe that Shannon said that some older sd cards tend to cause current draw during sleep mode.  Maybe this is what is happening.
      • Matt- I am interested in your coulomb counter?  Where can I get one or is it home brew?
      • I have learned that not all Li-ion batteries are equal in terms of stated Ah capacity.  I bought some from Amazon rated at 4.5 AH yet they were less than half the size of the 2.5 Ah batteries I got from Adafruit!  And the JST connector polarity was reversed!



      in reply to: Atlas Scientific Logger – Sleep between readings #14738
      Jim Moore

        I am using the same hardware with my Low Cost EC stations   which is set up for UART mode but I have since upgraded to I2C mode when I added the 2G modems.  I am using the sensorex probe for the EZO EC which has an integral RTD which I read thru the analog input.  I think its only about a $30 premium for the the RTD option.  Maybe there are some ideas in my blog that will help.

        in reply to: Monitoring power consumption #14631
        Jim Moore

          Thanks for the info Shannon.  I will check out the GPRSbee and sd card to see if they are the cause of the 2.4 mA draw when in sleep mode.  I’ll try a new Mayfly board next.

          in reply to: Monitoring power consumption #14623
          Jim Moore


            I checked my GMI_EC5 station that I mentioned above that was not keeping up and I measured about 2.4 mA current draw when the mayfly is in sleep mode.  I thought it should be close to zero when in sleep mode.

            Any thoughts Shannon?


            in reply to: Monitoring power consumption #14614
            Jim Moore


              I have the same issue.  I have my LEC stations (GMI_ECxx) running with 2G cell service and I did have one station that the solar charge chip failed and caused battery to drop below the 3.55  volt threshold for upload.  However GMI_EC5 seems to be getting a charge during the day but is still not keeping up.  I attached a screen from MMW TSA and you can see the drop-off in voltage on this sensor station vs the others.  I also noticed a general drop off which I presume is amount of daylight.  I am using the 2.5 AH batteries.  I plan to check current draw to see if it is abnormal or caused by poor cell service.

              in reply to: Buy 20-25 Mayfly Data Loggers and Proto Shields #14597
              Jim Moore


                I checked Amazon and finally discovered that “envirodiy mayfly protoshield” works for a search.  Did not have envirodiy in my search query.

                I just bought the last one so guess time to restock

                in reply to: Buy 20-25 Mayfly Data Loggers and Proto Shields #14596
                Jim Moore


                  I checked Amazon and finally discovered that “envirodiy mayfly protoshield” works for a search.  Did not have envirodiy in my search query.

                  in reply to: Buy 20-25 Mayfly Data Loggers and Proto Shields #14582
                  Jim Moore

                    I just checked Amazon and no Protoshields showing.  I guess shipment processing isn’t one day turnaround!

                    in reply to: Buy 20-25 Mayfly Data Loggers and Proto Shields #14512
                    Jim Moore

                      Any updates on the availability of the Protosheilds?

                      in reply to: Low Cost EC sensor Station upgrade #14381
                      Jim Moore

                        Thanks.  I am using the FTDI port and wiggled some plugs, etc and now is loading ok.  I assume when I was getting that error the mayfly was plugged in and turned on because when I attempt to load with the pwr switch turned off I get the following error:

                        Uploading .pio\build\mayfly\firmware.hex
                        avrdude: ser_open(): can’t open device “\\.\COM4”: Access is denied.
                        avrdude done.  Thank you.
                        *** [upload] Error 1
                        I guess a bad connection somewhere.
                      Viewing 10 posts - 31 through 40 (of 103 total)