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Jim Moore

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  • in reply to: Low Cost EC sensor Station upgrade #14379
    Jim Moore

      Hi Sara  @srgdamiano

      I haven’t used PIO for several months but in preparation for the transition from 2G to 4G I launched PIO this week and it apparently did an upgrade and now my code won’t load.

      I get the following error:

      avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 10 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00

      PIO is currently core 4.3.4 and home 3.2.3

      Any help on this would be appreciated.


      in reply to: MMW Data Outage? #14323
      Jim Moore


        Since it’s not a MMW issue should I move my technical questions back to my original post on “infrastructure and equipment” forum?

        in reply to: MMW Data Outage? #14322
        Jim Moore

          Thanks for the update, Shannon.  Are there any plans to buy a quantity of 4G hardware in the expectation of a discount?  I will need at least 8 and would be glad to help out where needed.

          in reply to: MMW Data Outage? #14319
          Jim Moore

            I reposted this here from my post this morning on “infrastructure and equipment” forum:

            “I noticed that what appears to be a general shutdown of the 2G network in the N. Chester county area which occurred Sunday, 7/12, at 13:45 EDT.  I have 8 stations in the Great Marsh Institutes’s network.  Three of these woke up this morning but the others are still mute.

            According to Hologram it looks like 2G is on borrowed time

            Does anyone have any details on the time line for remaining 2G support?


            Does Stroud have any large scale upgrade plans?  I understand that 4G requires new modems and if so are the 2G modems I just purchased a few months ago now scrap!?  Maybe we could put in a group order for th 4G modems to at least get a quantity discount and sell the 2G modems on ebay if they have any intrinsic value.”


            in reply to: Buy 20-25 Mayfly Data Loggers and Proto Shields #14310
            Jim Moore


              Amazon says the protoshield is unavailable.  Are there any plans to restock?  I need 2-3 protoshields.

              in reply to: Low Cost EC sensor Station upgrade #14156
              Jim Moore


                Thanks Chuck for getting my Sensorex RTD voltage divider output converted to °C.  I plan to leave the EC as the raw value from the AtlasScientific EZO circuit.  Attached is the code addition to DRWI_CitSci.ino to get the Sensorex probe data published to MonMW:


                in reply to: Geographically Scaling Modular Sensors #14097
                Jim Moore

                  Sorry forgot to add the links: GMI_test and GMI_EC1.  The other sites GMI_ECx are currently manual upload.

                  in reply to: Low Cost EC sensor Station upgrade #14095
                  Jim Moore

                    <h4 class=”user-nicename”>@chuckkir</h4>
                    Thanks Chuck for offering to help with my coding issues.  I have two sets of code that I am currently testing with my Low Cost Sensor Station.  Simple_logging.ino is working on my mayfly platform which I am using to test the compensation routines to convert the raw data from the AtlasScientific EC sensor and the RTD temperature probe to µS and ºC.

                    Here is the code I currently have deployed on GMI_EC1 and GMI_test which is uploading the raw sensor data to MonMW.



                    in reply to: Geographically Scaling Modular Sensors #14094
                    Jim Moore

                      I am currently working on setting up an array of Low Cost EC sensor Stations in Great Marsh, N. Chester County to monitor UNTs flowing into this large wetland.  My current issues are compensating the raw sensor data to µS and ºC.  See my forum thread.

                      I currently have six stations and will probably add more all using the the same operating code.  If I understand what you are proposing is that the UUIDs for each station would be in a file on the SD card which would configure the station code with the UUID for that Station 0nce it is registered on MonMW.  My stations are currently registered as GMI_*

                      Do you have any plans for uploading UUIDs via the cellular network?  This would be useful if one wanted to move sensor stations to different locations where a new station would be registered on MonMW so as to create a separate dataset for that location.

                      in reply to: Mayfly 16 bit ADC errors #14087
                      Jim Moore

                        Where did the calibration coefficients you used in line 31 come from?  They could be in error.  The raw value of adc0 in line 26 is a bit count and 65536 (2^16) is the maximum which would be the value output if the analog input was connected to Vdd (~3.3V).

                        Don’t know why the zero offset.  I would try printing out your raw adc0 with the analog input grounded and with it connected to Vdd.  Measure the Vdd with your Fluke DMM using that as your reference and adjust the calibration coefficients accordingly.

                      Viewing 10 posts - 41 through 50 (of 103 total)