Active 4 months agoForum Replies Created
Thanks Sara for all the info. Glad to get a yes on my last two questions. Now I can go ahead and active my SIM cards with Hologram.
I added #include <Arduino.h> and still won’t build. Can’t find SD.h which is in the adafruit library which I installed in my Arduino IDE I download this program to my EC sensor station to set up the EZO board to calibrate the probe, RTD, and set the update rate of the AtlasEZO. The easiest thing to do is to use the Arduino IDE when I need this sketch.
I would like to move on to get the DRWI_CitSci sketch working with my low cost EC Sensor station I have a few questions to get started:
- How do I specify the serial pins that communicate with the EZO, #define rx 7 and #define tx 6 . Will this work? i.e. are “rx” and “tx” recognized variables
- Same question for the RTD output which is on pin A0
- When I activate the Hologram SIM card and have 2G service will it plug and play?
- If that is the case and I get all the UUID’s correct I should see my data on MonMW. Right?
- I attached a picture of the hardware for reference.
I uploaded DRWI_CitSci to my Mayfly board but I haven’t got to modifying this to work with my Atlas EZO sensors. I set up another project folder to load my Atlas setup code that I have been using for a while using Arduino IDE.
I am getting “…No such file or directory” error when I try to compile. If I point the .ini to the logging to MMW it builds succesfully.
See attached screen shot
Following the steps in episode 9 I right clicked on the simple_loging folder in https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/tree/master/examples
there was no option to copy the folder on;y a link to it. How can I copy this folder and upload to my project which is local at …/documents/Arduino/GMI_ECx?
I was able to compile and load DRWI_CitSci to my mayfly without sensors and no sim card for the GPRSbee. It seemed to work as expected, wakeup, turn on power, and attempt a 2G connection and go to sleep for 5 minutes and wrote a lot of 9’s to the sd card.
Last night, however, I added a sketch to my project (GMi_ECx) and broke something and get a “file not found” error when I attempt to compile any of the sketches in that project. I will go back to and restart the process as you suggest.
I am assuming based on your comments that each sketch folder will have its own .ini and therefore any platformIO.ini file in the root directory of the project should be deleted. Does a platformIO.ini file in the root act as a default and therefor override the .ini file in the sketch directory?
I have not done anything with my GPRSbee or Hologram sim cards yet. Can you point me to any sketches that would verify that I have 2G service? I recall that Shannan had a box that she used for checking 2G signal strength.
Thanks Sara-
I have worked my way thru part one of LearnEnviroDIY. I am now trying to set up ModularSensors and Atom is telling me there is no platformio.ini file which there isn’t. I attached the FileExplorer view. Where did miss something. Maybe I didn’t “clone”. I downloaded the .zip file unziped and put it my directory as shown on the attached screen shot.
DropBox was the problem but unsyncing that folder didn’t work. pio didnt recognize as a project file. I moved the project folder out of dropbox and build and load worked ok.
Now I am trying to find my way around pio. Can’t even find the save button!
- Open the <code class=”highlighter-rouge”>platformio.ini file in the LearnEnviroDIYcode project and type a “;” in front of the “example1” sketch, and uncomment the <code class=”highlighter-rouge”>Example_02_Mayfly_blink.ino sketch to make that active.
- Save the <code class=”highlighter-rouge”>platformio.ini file.
its bedtime!
I rebooted my PC and same result. Attached a screen shot of the error thread from initial command.
Here is the first error
[WinError 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process: ‘C:\\Users\\Jim Moore\\Dropbox\\Jim Moore Private\\Arduino\\LearnEnviroDIYcode-master\\.pio\\libdeps\\mayfl
y\\_tmp_installing-8a57361r-package\\.git\\objects\\56‘I have no clue what process would be using the file unless its dropBox syncing.
I reloaded my learnEnviroDIYcode-master to my /arduino directory
Here is a screen shot of errors I got when I ran
pio lib install EnviroDIY_ModularSensors
Ok, I will try this. If that doesn’t work shall I delete “LearnEnviroDIYcode-master” that I downloaded in case the platform.ini file is corrupted? Or should the above steps accomplish the same thing?
Each time I attempt to compile I get “looking for xxx.h dependency? Check your Library registry!” The missing .h file is different each time I attempt to compile.
I’ll rerun the pio lib install command and send a screen shot. I am getting errors when I do this.
stay tuned and be sure to wash your hands!