WFUWater replied to the topic Reading -9999 on all Sensors in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 months, 2 weeks ago
Unfortunately, we do not have any other boards. Would it be worth it to purchase a new one? Or is there more troubleshooting we could do with the current setup?
WFUWater replied to the topic Reading -9999 on all Sensors in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 1 months, 2 weeks ago
Hi Shannon, thank you again. We were finally able to get a voltmeter and test the connection. There is voltage being applied to the sensors when the channel scanning sketch is running, but the program still says no sensor detected and to check the physical connection. We have tested both sensors. Could there be an issue with continuity?
WFUWater replied to the topic Reading -9999 on all Sensors in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 months ago
Hello, we’ve returned to try and set up the two sensors again but are still running into the issues of both being vacant at every location. We have tried both of them individually and have changed the 3.3v position to the 12v position for the Clarivue sensor. The Hydros is still connected to the 3.3v. We have also changed the sketch for the…[Read more]
WFUWater replied to the topic Reading -9999 on all Sensors in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 months, 1 weeks ago
Here are a few pictures of our setup.
WFUWater replied to the topic Reading -9999 on all Sensors in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 months, 1 weeks ago
Thank you so much for the quick response! Could you detail how to make sure we are supplying the 12v to the ClariVue? That being said I am still a bit confused as to why the Hydros 21 would read as vacant when it is the only sensor connected during testing and it would run regardless of the voltage.
WFUWater started the topic Reading -9999 on all Sensors in the forum Mayfly Data Logger 2 months, 1 weeks ago
Hello, I’ve recently been working on programming the MayFly data logger. After completing the code (or what I thought was completing the code) and connecting it to MonitorMyWatershed, I am reading -9999 from both the ClariVUE 10 sensor and the Hydros 21. I believe that both are physically connected properly. I think that it might be an issue…[Read more]
WFUWater became a registered member 2 months, 1 weeks ago