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Hey, thanks @neilh20. I added that and uploaded the program and this was the serial monitor output. What does dataPublisherBase refer to?
Now running logging_to_thingspeak.ino on Logger logger
Using ModularSensors Library version 0.28.5
TinyGSM Library version 0.10.9Logger timezone is set to UTC -5
RTC timezone is set to UTC
CTDcond has a non-unique UUID!
CTDtemp has a non-unique UUID!
CTDdepth has a non-unique UUID!
Battery has a non-unique UUID!
12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab -> CTDcond
12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab -> CTDtemp
12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab -> CTDdepth
12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab -> Battery
12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab -> decibelMiliWattCurrent RTC time is: 2021-07-28T16:08:52-05:00
CTDcond has a non-unique UUID!
CTDtemp has a non-unique UUID!
CTDdepth has a non-unique UUID!
Battery has a non-unique UUID!
12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab -> CTDcond
12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab -> CTDtemp
12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab -> CTDdepth
12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab -> Battery
12345678-abcd-1234-ef00-1234567890ab -> decibelMiliWattThis logger has a variable array with 5 variables, of which 4 come from 2 sensors and 1 are calculated.
Logger portion of setup finished.Setting up sensors…
Attempting to connect to the internet and synchronize RTC with NIST
This may take up to two minutes!
Clock already within 5 seconds of time.
Putting modem to sleep
Setting up file on SD card
Data will be saved as logger_2021-07-28.csv
Putting processor to sleep
——————————————\/—- Line Saved to SD Card —-\/
2021-07-28 16:12:00,0.0,22.30,-4.0,4.882,-69Sending data to [ 0 ]
5 fields will be sent to ThingSpeak <–
Topic [ 41 ]: channels/thingSpeakChannelID/publish/thingSpeakChannelKey <–Dumping the TX Buffer <–dataPublisherBase
Message [ 96 ]: created_at=2021-07-28T16:12:00-05:00&field1=0.0&field2=22.30&field3=-4.0&field4=4.882&field5=-69 <–
Opening MQTT Connection <–
MQTT connection failed with state: -4: MQTT_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT
Disconnecting from MQTT <–
Disconnected after 626 ms <–
\/—- Line Saved to SD Card —-\/
2021-07-28 16:13:00,0.0,22.30,-3.8,4.867,0And from here it just cycles with the same stuff…
Also, I was having trouble finding the stream debugger line (#if defined STREAMDEBUGGER_DBG) you were mentioning earlier in the ModularSensors library. Do you know where that would be located?
Hi there! Thank you @neilh20 and @vogelrnws for all of your help! Yeah, based on what I’m seeing, I don’t think its been connecting at all. I have been checking the channel I’m using whenever I’m trying to connect and no data has been popping up in the fields. It’s only got like, 5 fields, so it’s not too complicated either. Sorry, I’m somewhat new to PlatformIO, where do I type this stuff?
<div>build_flags =</div>
</div>Ok! Sounds good; thanks. @neilh20, do you have any experience with ThingSpeak or do you have any advice for this issue?
Hi! Thank you for the quick response. Yeah, I already registered a channel with ThingSpeak, and I’ve put the stuff for that into lines 201-206 (the stuff in the sketch above is just placeholders), and running it with those keys and ID’s still doesn’t work. I’d wondered if had been changed to a different URL recently. Is there anything in ThingSpeakPublisher.cpp or ThingSpeakPublisher.h that I need to change?