Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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  • Zach posted a new activity comment 4 years ago

    In my latest thread, I decided to take the plunge and ordered the Xbee components necessary to test my customized telemetry publishing script on a spare Mayfly board, to not interfere with my group’s existing stations. Setting up a PHP server seems easy enough, just need to figure out how to handle the data it posts.

  • Thank you for clarifying that, Sara.

    I was a too vague in my second paragraph, what I should have asked for was documentation, or a code excerpt for handling the Mayfly’s POST request data as defined in DRWI_LTE.ino on the web backend. I found here a guide that seems to address this matter directly, I’ll update when I have results.

  • I’m looking to access Mayfly data from MonitorMW.org for the development of a simple web application to display the current reading of a variable. If there exists a CORS friendly access method for MMW station site data, please let me know.

    Barring that option, I’ve looked through the documentation as to modifying DRWI_LTE.ino in order to publish…[Read more]

  • Is there a simple way to embed a monitoring station page’s body, or blocks of data? The organization I work for would like to display various site’s data on their program’s page.

    The only way I know would be iframe embedding an entire monitormywatershed.org page, which isn’t officially supported; a leaner option would be most welcome. Please let…[Read more]

    • Hi Zach. Did you ever make any progress with this? We have partners that would like to be able to do the same thing.

      • Zach replied 4 years ago

        In my latest thread, I decided to take the plunge and ordered the Xbee components necessary to test my customized telemetry publishing script on a spare Mayfly board, to not interfere with my group’s existing stations. Setting up a PHP server seems easy enough, just need to figure out how to handle the data it posts.

  • Zach became a registered member 5 years ago