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2018-04-22 at 2:00 PM
Ok, so it is the code on my sensor/logger that needs to be changed. Do you by chance have any example code that I can look at to try and figure out where I need to go? The sensor is an ultrasonic sensor. I have attached the code I am using for the sensor. This code will change as I only want to send data one time per day.
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[code] #include <Wire.h> #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/wdt.h> #include <SPI.h> #include <SD.h> #include <RTCTimer.h> #include <Sodaq_DS3231.h> #include <Sodaq_PcInt_PCINT0.h> #include <SoftwareSerial_PCINT12.h> const int SonarExcite = 10; SoftwareSerial sonarSerial(11, -1); boolean stringComplete = false; #define READ_DELAY 1 //RTC Timer RTCTimer timer; String dataRec = ""; int currentminute; long currentepochtime = 0; float boardtemp = 0.0; int batteryPin = A6; // select the input pin for the potentiometer int batterysenseValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor float batteryvoltage; int range_mm; //RTC Interrupt pin #define RTC_PIN A7 #define RTC_INT_PERIOD EveryMinute #define SD_SS_PIN 12 //The data log file #define FILE_NAME "SonicLog.txt" //Data header #define LOGGERNAME "Ultrasonic Maxbotix Sensor Datalogger" #define DATA_HEADER "DateTime,Loggertime,BoardTemp,Battery_V,SonarRange_mm" void setup() { //Initialise the serial connection Serial1.begin(9600); sonarSerial.begin(9600); rtc.begin(); delay(100); pinMode(8, OUTPUT); pinMode(9, OUTPUT); pinMode(SonarExcite, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(SonarExcite, LOW); //pin 10 is the power pin for the ultrasonic sensor greenred4flash(); //blink the LEDs to show the board is on setupLogFile(); //Setup timer events setupTimer(); //Setup sleep mode setupSleep(); Serial1.println("Power On, running: ultrasonic_logger_example_1.ino"); } void loop() { //Update the timer timer.update(); if(currentminute % 2 == 0) //if the time ends in an even number, a sample will be taken. Can be changed to other intervals { digitalWrite(8, HIGH); dataRec = createDataRecord(); delay(500); digitalWrite(SonarExcite, HIGH); delay(1000); range_mm = SonarRead(); digitalWrite(SonarExcite, LOW); stringComplete = false; //Save the data record to the log file logData(dataRec); //Echo the data to the serial connection Serial1.println(); Serial1.print("Data Record: "); Serial1.println(dataRec); String dataRec = ""; digitalWrite(8, LOW); delay(500); } systemSleep(); } void showTime(uint32_t ts) { //Retrieve and display the current date/time String dateTime = getDateTime(); //Serial.println(dateTime); } void setupTimer() { //Schedule the wakeup every minute timer.every(READ_DELAY, showTime); //Instruct the RTCTimer how to get the current time reading timer.setNowCallback(getNow); } void wakeISR() { //Leave this blank } void setupSleep() { pinMode(RTC_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); PcInt::attachInterrupt(RTC_PIN, wakeISR); //Setup the RTC in interrupt mode rtc.enableInterrupts(RTC_INT_PERIOD); //Set the sleep mode set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); } void systemSleep() { //Wait until the serial ports have finished transmitting Serial1.flush(); Serial1.flush(); //The next timed interrupt will not be sent until this is cleared rtc.clearINTStatus(); //Disable ADC ADCSRA &= ~_BV(ADEN); //Sleep time noInterrupts(); sleep_enable(); interrupts(); sleep_cpu(); sleep_disable(); //Enbale ADC ADCSRA |= _BV(ADEN); } String getDateTime() { String dateTimeStr; //Create a DateTime object from the current time DateTime dt(rtc.makeDateTime(rtc.now().getEpoch())); currentepochtime = (dt.get()); //Unix time in seconds currentminute = (dt.minute()); //Convert it to a String dt.addToString(dateTimeStr); return dateTimeStr; } uint32_t getNow() { currentepochtime = rtc.now().getEpoch(); return currentepochtime; } void greenred4flash() { for (int i=1; i <= 4; i++){ digitalWrite(8, HIGH); digitalWrite(9, LOW); delay(50); digitalWrite(8, LOW); digitalWrite(9, HIGH); delay(50); } digitalWrite(9, LOW); } void setupLogFile() { //Initialise the SD card if (!SD.begin(SD_SS_PIN)) { Serial1.println("Error: SD card failed to initialise or is missing."); //Hang // while (true); } //Check if the file already exists bool oldFile = SD.exists(FILE_NAME); //Open the file in write mode File logFile = SD.open(FILE_NAME, FILE_WRITE); //Add header information if the file did not already exist if (!oldFile) { logFile.println(LOGGERNAME); logFile.println(DATA_HEADER); } //Close the file to save it logFile.close(); } void logData(String rec) { //Re-open the file File logFile = SD.open(FILE_NAME, FILE_WRITE); //Write the CSV data logFile.println(rec); //Close the file to save it logFile.close(); } String createDataRecord() { //Create a String type data record in csv format //TimeDate, Loggertime,Temp_DS, Diff1, Diff2, boardtemp String data = getDateTime(); data += ","; rtc.convertTemperature(); //convert current temperature into registers boardtemp = rtc.getTemperature(); //Read temperature sensor value batterysenseValue = analogRead(batteryPin); batteryvoltage = (3.3/1023.) * 1.47 * batterysenseValue; data += currentepochtime; data += ","; addFloatToString(data, boardtemp, 3, 1); //float data += ","; addFloatToString(data, batteryvoltage, 4, 2); return data; } static void addFloatToString(String & str, float val, char width, unsigned char precision) { char buffer[10]; dtostrf(val, width, precision, buffer); str += buffer; } int SonarRead() { int result; char inData[5]; //char array to read data into int index = 0; while (sonarSerial.read() != -1) {} while (stringComplete == false) { if (sonarSerial.available()) { char rByte = sonarSerial.read(); //read serial input for "R" to mark start of data if(rByte == 'R') { //Serial.println("rByte set"); while (index < 4) //read next three character for range from sensor { if (sonarSerial.available()) { inData[index] = sonarSerial.read(); //Serial.println(inData[index]); //Debug line index++; // Increment where to write next } } inData[index] = 0x00; //add a padding byte at end for atoi() function } rByte = 0; //reset the rByte ready for next reading index = 0; // Reset index ready for next reading stringComplete = true; // Set completion of read to true result = atoi(inData); // Changes string data into an integer for use } } dataRec += ","; dataRec += result; return result; } [/code] |