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Reply To: Anyone used the Adafruit 3G FONA or other 3G cellular modem?

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Anyone used the Adafruit 3G FONA or other 3G cellular modem? Reply To: Anyone used the Adafruit 3G FONA or other 3G cellular modem?


    Hello, I also recently purchased a SIM5320A dev board, albeit a Chinese one: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/MINI-V2-0-3G-HSDPA-SIM5320A-module-with-GPS-evaluation-kit-evaluation-board/605000_622098456.html?spm=2114.12010612.8148356.2.7a171054vW58eu

    After a lot of scraping through their AT command documentation: http://simcom.ee/documents/SIM5320/SIMCOM_SIM5320_ATC_EN_V2.05.pdf
    I learned that you set the apn profile by passing: AT+CGSOCKCONT=1,”IP”,”YOUR_APN”,”″,0,0
    for ting: YOUR_APN = wholesale (I think)
    then make sure that specific apn profile is selected with: AT+CSOCKSETPN=1
    then try pinging google with: AT+CPING=”www.google.com”,1,4,64,1000,10000,255
    If you get a result then YAAAY! you’re on the internet!
    I also encourage you to dig through the SIM5320 documentation at http://simcom.ee/documents/?dir=SIM5320
    Happy hunting!